Kayaking North Hartland Dam

Tuesday, August 2: Outdoor Recreation for Seniors was out again – on a hot and humid day, when it was good to be on the water!

A flood control area managed by the Corps of Engineers, once one is away from the dam, there are no houses ( except those built by the beavers!), and lots of wildlife.

The phone camera decided that it would do a movie, rather than the photo I wanted – the boom keeping boats away from the dam had at least a dozen turtles on it! And I am unable to post that.

We also saw a Great Blue Heron, by the edge of the water, keeping an eye on a couple of chicks. One person with binoculars thought that at least one chick was a mallard. None of us wanted to go closer, disturbing them to figure it out, and the cell phone did not take a photo worth posting.

Those large lumps in the center tree are eagles, probably immature as they are showing little white.

This was a turn around point for several of us – my seat was feeling unfriendly, some had appointments – and at 7 miles round trip, it’s a long way for some seniors to paddle. But we all had a good time, ate lunch together, and some of us swam in the tepid – but cooler then the air! – water.

11 thoughts on “Kayaking North Hartland Dam

    1. Interesting in theory, but with only the cell phone hot spot, not worth the time and energy! Maybe if I had a really spectacular video, it would be worth it – but this is not!


  1. Seven miles sounds like a lot of work. Seeing the eagles must’ve been amazing! I know when I see them in the wild, it always an amazing feeling. I enjoyed the picture of the turtle as well. I hate when my phone camera does something it shouldn’t. I find it on video or portrait more than I like.


  2. Seven miles is a lot like bicycling seven miles – not that big a deal. Except when the seat isn’t adjusted properly, and there’s no good way to pull out and redo it! I’ve done that stretch several times before, and gone to the end a few times.


  3. Unbelievable sceneries, I loved the peace and the tranquility these pictures brought about. Also, brought back memories of a solo kayaking session I did out in the sea, some of your captures are just hypnotic(except the pixilation of the images) and I could simply gaze at it for hours and hours.

    Here are my memories from last kayaking trip, if you are interested,

    My first “Sea Kayaking” experience in Colombo Port City waters.


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