Hurray! Reveries & Reviews bags Sunshine Blogger Award

Two months ago, I decided to revamp and rebrand this website. From an online portfolio compiling all the articles I got printed in various media publications and portals, it now features a Personal Blog category, which I have been religiously updating from once (during the first month) and now twice every week (beginning the second month).

Since I have been producing a lot of content, I also decided to start promoting this website on various social media platforms to maintain a certain level of viewership beginning last month. I even created a new Facebook Page solely for this blog, while simultaneously flooding my Twitter account with updates that link to my recent activities here.

These endeavours have exposed me to a slew of blogging communities online that are surprisingly supportive and incredibly encouraging. Just interacting with fellow bloggers online inspires me to be more ambitious with my goals especially those concerning the exposure, sustainability and the future of this blog.

To celebrate my second month of active personal blogging, I couldn’t think of better way than receiving an acknowledgment, the Sunshine Blogger Award, from a far more established bloggers than I am. Ai Love Music is a blog from Japan that “talks about music from around the world, past and present.” It’s a good place to discover new music and artists. So, thank you! And don’t forget to drop by Ai Love Music 🙂

Also, I thank Rachel from My Spotted Blog for handing me the same award a few days earlier. 🙂


Sunshine Blogger Rules:

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The four rules of receiving the Sunshine Blogger Award is simple. They are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to the original post!
  2. Answer the 11 questions they’ve asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions.
  4. HAVE FUN!


Sunshine Blogger Q&A:

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1. What is your jam right now?

Maybe The Night from Filipino indie pop band Ben&Ben has been an earworm for the month now.

2. If you could time traveler, what decade would you like to go to?

I’d like to go back to the 90s. The political landscape and technology are vaguely familiar and I think I won’t have a hard time adjusting to it. Also, the music! I can never outgrow 90s rock and grunge scene.

3. Where is your favorite spot in the world?

On our bed, flat on my stomach. 🙂

4. When is the best time for you in the day?

Any time past 11 pm is when I’m most creative.

5. Have you ever been on TV?

Yes, when I was still working as political journalist back in Manila a few years ago. Comes with the job.

6.  What is the best advice you ever received?

“Never look back until you’re in a safe distance.”

7.  Where is your favorite place to just think, write, or relax?

Home, our happy place.

8. How do you define motivation?

It’s the physical manifestation of inspiration.

9. What movie, tv show, musical, or play would you like to star in?

I want to be that character that Richard Madden has to protect on Netflix’s Bodyguard. ;p

10. Would you rather sing everything you say, or dance every time you move?

I sing better than dance. I think.

11.  Have you ever hitchhiked?



New Sunshine Blogger Recipients

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I nominate these amazing content creators to receive the Sunshine Blogger Awards:

1. Sincere Mommy

2. Rev. Rebecca Writes

3. Mum, That’s A Bad Word!

4. Life and Travel

5. The Newbury Girl

6. Hol Does Blogs

7. Completely Chelsea

8. The Life of Angela

9. Colleen Denise

10. Twenty Five Thoughts

11. Messy Mama


11 Questions They Need to Answer

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1. What is your blog all about?

2. What inspired you to blog?

3. What makes your content unique?

4. How do you plan your posts?

5. Can you share your strategies?

6. Are you learning new skills to improve your craft?

7. How do you grow your following?

8. If you’re not blogging, what do you think you will be doing instead?

9. What’s your favourite part about blogging?

10. What do you hate about it?

11. What piece of advice can you say to struggling bloggers, who are feeling demotivated?

17 thoughts on “Hurray! Reveries & Reviews bags Sunshine Blogger Award

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    1. That means a lot 😍 It’s a relatively new artist from where I’m from. They have songs in both Filipino and English and I’ve linked their Spotify profile in this article 🙂 Hope u enjoy them as much as I do.

      Liked by 1 person

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