A Tiger In The Yard Coffee Share

A Tiger In The Yard Coffee Share

Good morning, Everyone. It is a summer-y June morning here in Sayville Long Island. The birds are having a conference chirp session this early morning. Although they sound like a substantial chatty flock, they don’t frequent the backyard feeder nearly as much as expected. Hershey, the cat, stalks the yard in his tiger persona. I saved a little sparrow he brought into the house during the week. The frightened bird fluttered into a corner while I scolded Hershey. I caught the poor thing and brought it outside. It was a little shaken but undamaged. It flew away to my sister-in-law’s yard (behind my house) where it is safe from the tiger-want-to be, and there is an abundant menu of seeds in feeders. 

 If we were having coffee together, I would tell you I have been cooking and planning for next week. Matt and I are going on an adventure. My sister and brother-in-law bought a boat—a big boat. They found a floating home where they can travel and fish. It is like living in an RV where the waterways are the roads and the marinas and sheltered coves are the campgrounds. The maiden voyage will be from the eastern shore of Maryland to Sayville Long Island—a five or six-day exploratory trip. I’m very excited to get on the water. Matt and I had never done a trip like this, nor my sister and brother-in-law. It will be an adventure! I have meals prepped and frozen, dramamine tucked in my bag, and a supply of sunscreen, pens, and hand sanitizer packed. Just getting out of town for a while is exciting. 

 If we were having coffee together, I would report that I participated in my town’s peaceful protest in supporting the Black Lives Matter campaign. About 1,500 people, donning masks, marched from Gillette Park to the bay and back again. Young High School alumni organized it. I am proud to say that my bubble of a community showed solidarity and peace for all peoples. Hope was palatable. 

 If we were having coffee together, I would say that my Journal On! Thoughts Gleaned While Quarantined workbook is now in booklet form. I plan to offer them as giveaways for teachers. If I get a good response, I plan to produce the Journal On! A-Z prompts as a workbook. I posted, Working for the Dream– a brief history about child labor and attempted reforms during the early 20th century. This issue played out in Daily Bread, my middle-grade historical fiction novel.  Presently, Daily Bread is in the hands of beta readers. My parents are taking part and have provided valuable input concerning Sicilian slang, spelling, and clarity of detailed information. In the meantime, agent rejection form letters appear in my email box at a steady rate. I engaged in a few Zoom writer’s workshops this week. They were informative and confirmed I am on the right path. I just haven’t found the right fit yet. The pandemic has created a downsizing shift in the publishing industry. It looks like publishing houses will be making policy and acquiring changes for the long term. I will just have to keep trying. 

That’s it! Have a good week, Everyone. Make it great.

Big thank yous go out to Ecelic Ali for keeping the Weekend Coffee Share up and running.

Be well. Be safe.

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Antoinette Truglio Martin is the author of Hug Everyone You Know: A Year of Community, Courage, and Cancer. The memoir is a wimpy patient’s journey through her first year of breast cancer treatment.

7 responses to “A Tiger In The Yard Coffee Share”

  1. Colline Avatar

    It sounds like you had a very productive week Antoinette.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Retirement Reflections Avatar

    Hi, Antoinette – Enjoy your trip from Maryland to Sayville. Sounds like an awesome adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sagittarius Viking Avatar

    Enjoy your trip, that sounds so exciting! I have been on big cruise ships before, but not like the trip you are planning. Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Thank you for the coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Moumita De Sarkar Avatar

    Best of luck for your adventure 😊


  5. […] New Beginning in a New World June 2020 Coffee Share  Working for the Dream  A Tiger in the Yard  Writing Protagonist […]


  6. Gary A Wilson Avatar

    That boat trip sounds like a dream come true. Hope it proves to be so.


  7. Antoinette Truglio Martin Avatar
    Antoinette Truglio Martin

    Unfortunately the weather and diesel engines kabashed the trip. We drove down and sat in the marina while my brother in law repaired and husband supervised. I did get good quality catch up time with my sister and happily got out of town for awhile.


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