Labour stands with the CWU against Royal Mail

Yesterday (Saturday 14 October) our General Committee (GC) met. This was a well attended meeting with delegates representing all our seven branches and other affiliated organisations. Over the next few days we will report here from the meeting, which took a number of important decisions.

One motion, agreed unanimously, was to support postal workers in the Communication Workers Union (CWU) in their dispute with Royal Mail.

Moving the motion, Constituency Vice-Chair, Phil Clarke stressed the importance of the Labour Party standing shoulder to shoulder with trade unions fighting for workers’ rights – and, in supporting the motion, Constituency Secretary, Claire Wadey, pointed out that the CWU had supported the local Labour Party during the General Election campaign.

It is a disgrace that the laws of this country enable a judge to grant an injunction to stop a strike which has been supported overwhelmingly in a ballot of the workers in dispute – but the CWU have made clear that the dispute goes on – and the Labour Party in Brighton Pavilion will be ready to support the CWU when the strike comes.

Below is the text of the motion which was agreed:

Brighton Pavilion Constituency Labour Party wishes to unreservedly show its support to the Communication Workers Union (CWU) and its members in their dispute with Royal Mail.

The CWU has received great support from its membership, and the public alike, and this CLP declares its abhorrence to the heavy-handed approach of Royal Mail in disregarding legally binding agreements, and trying to impose working arrangements that will affect the workforce, and just as importantly, the general public.

This CLP will stand shoulder to shoulder with the CWU in the days, weeks and months ahead, until Royal Mail becomes the employer the staff deserve, and shows it has the ambition to become the service the public demand.

CWU postal workers

The Labour Party believes Royal Mail must be returned to public ownership.  Please sign here if you agree with us.



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