Dynamic current/s.


The diabolical breathwork of



Contract and release.

Diaphragm to breast.

Skin pulling tight enough to count ribs, like keys on a piano.

Play them as a xylophone to calm my frenetic feral fury.

It is sea shanty time at Maple Hollow.

Come to gather ’round, salty sea dog.

Exhibition of the blushing provocateur,

an energetic howling, sweet sea monster wailing for you,

swimming through kelp forests of her own hair.

Hide and seek.



Demure despite (but, never in spite) appearances.

Let me energize that ennui into

Dynamic current/s.La femme d’argent.

Author: writtencasey

I am fascinated by the scientific endeavor and I read about or engage with those processes as much as possible. I am a compulsive reader and writer. With a background in anthropology and as an arm-chair/backyard scientist, I hope to improve my writing skills and learn about any areas of weakness or misunderstanding in my analytic skills. I am excited to share. Thank you for spending time here. Please reach out if you are so inclined. I'd be excited to hear from you.

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