How To Keep Your Hair Healthy

I feel like I am just on the cusp of being able to talk about this because my hair has NOT been healthy for a really long time! It was long and shiny and beautiful and then I cut it, bleached it, and my hair went crazy. So now, literally like 5 years later, my hair is doing good. I think too that I just genetically don’t have awesome hair, it’s very fine and relatively thin, aka hair extensions are my friend and I’ve got no shame about that (should I do a post all about my extensions? Hmmm let me know…). But after years of trying to repair my sweet sweet hair, here is what has helped it get healthy again!

  1. Limit Hot Tools. Some of these might seem like no duh, but I have been trying to *limit* my hot tools. I still blow dry my hair in the morning before work but instead of using a curling iron every day (and if I do, I never have the heat turned past halfway. I used to have it at the hottest setting 😬), I use this guy that I shared on my hair routine post. Also, if I do use hot tools, I never curl/ straighten the ends of my hair.
  2. Collagen/ Hair Vitamins. For about a year now I have been using this collagen in my coffee in the morning (the only reason I drink coffee in the morning is to have this collagen lol). I can 100% feel that the hair that has grown in is way thicker, like volume wise, around my roots. My hair grows soooo slow though. Also, I take the sugar bear hair vitamins and they probably seem like a scam because it is one of the instagram ads of choice, but they really do work for my hair. There was a time I was only using these and I shared a picture of how much my hair grew in three months in this video.
  3. Deep Condition. I need to get better about this because I only do it like once a month, but whenever I do, I let my hair air dry afterwards and I feel like that makes a big difference for me instead of blow drying it. Really get those ends of your hair lathered up! Lately I either use this super cheap one or this Redken one.
  4. Don’t dye it. I have not gone back to dye my hair since I got it super light years ago. It traumatized me. I mean, it looked good, but it wrecked my hair. I’m sure the day will come where I will brave the foils again, but for now, I am sticking with my natural color and trying to baby my hair as much as I can.
  5. Trim it up. I actually have an appointment to trim my hair coming up because everyone says that you HAVE to trim it for it to grow. Which seems counterintuitive. But if your hair is breaking and splitting on the ends, it is just going to make your ends look ratty and keep your hair from getting any longer. They say you’re supposed to trim it every 6-8 weeks but that means like 12-16 weeks for my hair 🙃 Also, I actually trim the pieces around my face myself, so that shows that my hair DOES actually grow when trimmed because those pieces tend to grow out quickly! (Maybe the rest of my hair is just breaking off haha 🙈)
  6. Don’t rip through it. ALWAYS BRUSH FROM THE ENDS TO THE ROOTS. I cringe just thinking about the times I was moving too fast and absolutely shredded my hair by ripping my hairbrush through it. Now I always use a wet brush and I start from the roots and work my way up in sections. I also use this spray every single time after I wash my hair. I’m sure there is an adult version out there but whatever, this stuff is $3.00.

One thought on “How To Keep Your Hair Healthy

  1. I just learned about brushing from the ends to the roots earlier today! Such a “duh” moment. I’m definitely going to look into the collagen for the coffee you’re taking. Great tips and your hair looks great!


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