Convert multiple rows to single column

To convert multiple rows to single column.


At SQL Server database this can be achieved using STUFF function.

The STUFF function inserts a string into another string.


Run below queries to get an idea


—–Query Start————

create table #temp
personid int,
name varchar(10),
subjects varchar(10)
insert into #temp values(1, ‘mike’, ‘maths’)
insert into #temp values(1, ‘mike’, ‘science’)
insert into #temp values(1, ‘mike’, ‘social’)
insert into #temp values(2, ‘jay’, ‘economics’)
insert into #temp values(2, ‘jay’, ‘history’)
insert into #temp values(3, ‘joe’, ‘maths’)
insert into #temp values(4, ‘kelly’, ‘geography’)
insert into #temp values(4, ‘kelly’, ‘computers’)
insert into #temp values(5, ‘mike’, ‘literature’)
select * from #temp

stuff input
SELECT personid, name,
subjects = STUFF(
(SELECT ‘, ‘ + b1.subjects FROM  #temp b1 where b1.personid = b2.personid and = FOR XML PATH (”)), 1, 1, ”
FROM #temp b2   GROUP BY b2.personid, name

stuff output


create table #temp
personid int,
name varchar(10),
subjects varchar(10)
insert into #temp values(1, 'mike', 'maths')
insert into #temp values(1, 'mike', 'science')
insert into #temp values(1, 'mike', 'social')
insert into #temp values(2, 'jay', 'economics')
insert into #temp values(2, 'jay', 'history')
insert into #temp values(3, 'joe', 'maths')
insert into #temp values(4, 'kelly', 'geography')
insert into #temp values(4, 'kelly', 'computers')
insert into #temp values(5, 'mike', 'literature')
select * from #temp

SELECT personid, name,
subjects = STUFF(
(SELECT ', ' + b1.subjects FROM #temp b1 where b1.personid = b2.personid and = FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,''
FROM #temp b2 GROUP BY b2.personid, name


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