How To Deliver A Killer 30 Seconds Sales Pitch


I have been in business and training line for the past 15 years and the most important area for any businessman and trainers are your sales pitch. Without a good sales pitch, it is never easy to close any sales or even get the clients and referrals. Clients or customers find it hard to remember or even refer any potential clients about your products or services. Below are some important tips I have discovered and practiced for the past few years. I have experienced a drastic change and growth in my sales.

  • Show some energy in your presentation!!!
  • Be unique and memorable
  • How to practice your presentation?
  • Who are your ideal referrals?

Show some energy in your presentation!!!

Tip number 1, always show or demonstrate a power and energy in your presentation. Never be sluggish in your speech during presentation. If you are sluggish, it will create a negative impact towards your prospective clients.

Easiest way to demonstrate the energy in your presentation is always present like a SUPER STAR. Imagine yourself like Michael Jackson, Antony Robbins, Rajinikanth and many other actors, motivational speakers and achievers in the world before you start off your presentation.

super star

Be Unique and Memorable

Next tip, always be unique or memorable to the participants or your prospective clients. Basically you have to leave behind a good impression to people so that you can always be a preferred person to them for any collaboration. Overall you must have a Unique Selling Point or known as USP. Below are some points to be unique and memorable.

  • Simple
  • Be Amazing
  • Credible
  • Emotional
  • Stories


How to Practice Your Presentation?

The best and the easiest way to practice your presentation is by standing in front of the mirror. Always give a keen and successful look at the mirror before you start to practice. Do not memorize your script when you are practicing your speech in front of the mirror. Just visualize your success and let the flow of words and gestures come out from you.Β  Finally you must time your speech and try to keep within 30 seconds. Below are some simple and important points to remember when practicing your speech in front of the mirror.

  • Present out loud
  • Don’t memorize
  • Visualize your success
  • Time it


Dr. Maxwell Maltz mentioned that many people “see themselves” inaccurately, their perceptions distorted by unchallenged and often erroneous beliefs imbedded in the subconscious mind.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz
(1899-1975).The Author of “The Magic Powers of the Self-Image” and The Creator of Psycho-Cybernetics

Who are your ideal referrals?

Whenever you are presenting your sales pitch to someone, you need to be specific about the clients and referrals you requesting from the listener. It is a good practice to add some good humor in your sales pitch about the referrals you have requested. People will intent to remember the referrals and clients you have mentioned by sense of humor in your presentations. One of the easiest way for long term referrals is to target your Power Team circles. Below are the simple points for targeting your ideal referrals.

  • Be specific in asking for referrals
  • Request for Power Teams
  • Add some humor


I have written this simple article to help businessman, business coaches, salesman, marketing executives and trainers to improve their sales in their company. I have uploaded the slides at this location below for anyone to refer and utilize in their business.

This article is written by

Iswera Lallan Top 100 Author Worldwide

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