A trip to Kensington Palace

Friday 9th June 2017 (5.56pm)

It has been another surreal week. Physically my hay fever is bad which is affecting me mentally as I do not feel like doing anything. I have done a couple of training sessions but I have lacked any sort of motivation.

I have decided to ‘go live’ with my blog which means that I am reading back through journal 1 (out of 2). I have not been able to read back until now as I have previously found it too difficult. Writing this for all to see is not going to be easy, as for me memories will come flooding back of difficult times. On a positive note, I will see how far I have come since then, and now feels like the right time to do this.

So far, I have received an incredible response and I am even in contact with a book publishing company. I just need that break, and if this deal does not come off then I will continue to look. I am projecting a 2 year plan to get something written.

Things finally seem to be falling in to place and in counselling yesterday, I even said ‘I feel happy’.

Today I have been to London to meet with some people from the Heads Together Team at Kensington Palace. Not a bad place to meet. It was a positive meeting and I will see what if any opportunities come from this.

It is only now that I have realised that it is (would have been) my 5th wedding anniversary. For some reason I thought it was on Sunday until I saw the date. I am feeling ok about it though.

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