Hello, I am not Dead and I have an Announcement!

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Hello, People!

As the title implies, I’m not dead. I know I’ve missed a few posts, but my excuse is that I’ve been busy (sooo tired at the moment!) and I’ve also been trying to write a novel on top of that. Actually, I wrote a novel on top of that, all 94,000 words of it. And I’m editing my novelette/novella thing, so…

I am exhausted, so today’s post is going to be pretty short. (Also, not my main announcement, but another announcement I have is that, for the foreseeable future, I’m going back to one post a week, rather than two).

Okay, my announcement!

Next month, on May 11, I’ll be celebrating my 1-Year Blogiversary! And since it’s the done thing around the blogosphere to do a Q+A Post when celebrating blogiversaries, I thought I’d do one as well (nope, you aren’t getting a vlog out of me any time yet, sorry. Maybe next year).

Which means that I need questions! So, it’s up to you to ask away. Anything you want–writing, reading, blogging, or personal (but not too personal, you know. That’d be awkward).

If you have any questions, feel free to comment them below, I’ll collect them and answer them all on May 11!

So, how have you guys been? How did Camp NaNo go for you? Tell me a bit about your life at the moment!

8 thoughts on “Hello, I am not Dead and I have an Announcement!

  1. Well, finals are next week and the last assignments are due this week. Next week is very exciting: May 12th I am graduating from college. It is a bit scary, exciting and bittersweet. Almost all my assignments are done. That is what is going on at the moment. Western Civilization II is my hardest class: at one point in the semester I had to pass all tests to pass the class, but last week my teacher changed the rule and we no longer have to that. I have two presentations and a project due this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whew! Congrats on the milestone! That’s pretty exciting!
    Hmm… I guess that my question for the Q&A is going to be: Where’s your favorite place to write and why?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on 94K! My question(s) would be: How has blogging influenced your life, and what important lessons have you learned from it? What is something you’d want new bloggers to know?


  4. Wow. 94,000 words… *blinks* That’s amazing…
    Here’s some questions:
    Why did you decide to blog in the first place?
    What is your favorite post and why?
    How did you decide on what template to use for your blog?
    Do you have horses, cats, dogs, other pets? If so what do they look like?
    Do you know if you will self publish or traditional publish? Why?
    What was your first book about?
    Outdoors or indoors?
    Don’t think of a pink hippo. Did you think of a pink hippo or elephant?

    It looked like you didn’t get a lot of questions so I have dumped a bunch on you. You are welcome. ;3

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooh, questions! Let’s see…
    1. What are your top ten favourite books?
    2. Top ten movies/tv shows?
    3. Who are your favourite authors (living or dead) and why?
    4. When did you first start writing and how has your writing evolved since then? (As in, how have your interests/themes/styles changed?)
    5. Do you prefer writing with a pen or a pencil (or a quill)?
    6. What is your favourite kind of pie?
    7. Would you rather live in a submarine or at the top of a mountain?
    8. If you could tame any wild animal and keep it as a pet, which would you pick? (Or would you avoid all animals no matter how tame they are?)
    I present you with these questions and you can answer as many or as few of them as you wish. Happy (almost) Blogiversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations on writing 94k words! That’s quite an accomplishment! *sends virtual cookies*

    Oooh, and congratulations on approaching your 1-year blogiversary! Q&A’s are fun, so here are my questions: What got you interested in dancing? and Do you have a favorite flavor of tea?


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