By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept – Through My Words To You

Tonight, I read the book, ‘By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept’ by Paulo Coelho. I had read this book before, in my teens and had treated it as a piece of literature, not understanding the essence carried through its words. Today, you gifted the book to me again. It is a book of seventy one pages and I read it with a new perspective, in a few hours. I read it as me and you and our God.

Destiny has driven us apart. While certain actions have abandoned our association, words have abandoned me. I can no longer make use of words to make you believe differently to what you do.
As my heart is set on you, my mind is struggling to regain a futile balance to continue my days without your presence. But my mind and my heart know how much you mean to me, how I have silently appreciated all the little and great things you’ve done, how dependent I can allow myself to be on you, how much of you lives in me and how much I love you with an honest heart.

Knowing someone like you is not easy but it is a blessing. I’ve never told you what you mean to me but I cannot deny that you have become the light in my life. It is my prayer to continue living my days in your light, irrespective of whether you shine from afar or beside me and irrespective of time. I know you’ve given a ray of light to me that will guide my walk.

While reading, a few lines spoke to me…
May you understand my love – because it is the only  one thing I have that is really mine.
Everyone’s language of love is different. In the midst of giving and receiving love, some do it by overcoming hurdles while some glide past it with ease. My love for you will remain mine and in that warmth, let me spend my days.

A city can be moved but not a well. It’s around the well that lovers find each other, satisfy their thirst, build their homes and raise children. But if one of them decides to leave, the well cannot go with them. Love remains there, abandoned – even though it is filled with the same pure water as before.
I don’t know what destiny has in store for you and me but my love for you will remain. When a well is built, there is a great amount of digging, dirt and dust before one can access the pure water from the interiors of the earth. Only by digging can one build a well that can be a source of pure water. I believe that my love for you has turned as pure as the waters of the well and even if we are not by the well, love will be there.

You have talked about God in many of your conversations with me. You have led me to believe that you are at one with God. How you got here, the number of days you took, your journey, the road you took are all yours alone. I cannot know it first hand. As the book says, It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path but it’s another to think that yours is the only path. Your journey may not have had to face obstacles and obstructions, slips and falls. My journey led me through several. But I have tried to get up and continue on the path. Your path and my path were different and if God deems it correct, I will be at peace knowing that my obstacles were indeed the different chapters of learning.

I will always love you. Amongst the many reasons, you also gave back what belonged to me. There are many reasons why I love you and can wish that we are united in eternal happiness but I know the light of your guidance and the serene, everlasting love I’m on my way of developing for you will replenish strength in my days. But as in the book, the human side of me, wants you immensely and hopes that we can work for our dream.

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