
Happy New Year!

Wow, was I ever glad to see 2017 come to an end.  Last year was rough.  We had some highlights, of course, but overall  I was really glad to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome the New Year.

I decided to do a Word of the Year this year.  I’ve seen these for a while but never did a word myself.  My word this year is “thrive.”  I’m hoping to thrive in my health, thrive in my walk with God, thrive in our finances, thrive in my relationships, and thrive in my healing on all levels.  


My physical healing is, obviously,  often on my mind.  I think that my emotional and spiritual healing needs to be addressed a lot more this year too.  I’ve been reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and am finding it extremely convicting and challenging.  I need to share my story more, I need to reach out for support and I need to do more writing.  

I started working with a new client for work towards the end of 2017.  I am working almost full time right now on a big project for them and will go back to part-time.  We’re really hoping to build up my income enough to become location independent this year.  We’d really love to be able to travel fulltime after we get out of debt.  For the first time since my hubby lost his job about 18 months ago we feel like we can start working our way out of debt again.  How long it takes will largely depend on what kind of income I can generate but it’s incredible to even be thinking about fighting off debt again.

This year feels full of possibilities.  I’m feeling better than I have in quite some time.  I’m hoping to add in lots more foods and find a new normal.  I’m focusing on using homeopathy, flower remedies and emotional healing to build up my system.  I think I’ve detoxed a lot of the mold and I’m extremely thankful for that.  

This year I’m really hoping to go more places and do more things… sounds kind of funny but we are SO isolated right now.  We live out in the middle of nowhere and mold avoidance has left us even more isolated.  For a family that used to be extremely active, this has been quite the transition for us.

We’re really loving the time together.  We spend a lot of time reading together, playing games and talking.  We haven’t owned a TV since 2007 and don’t do any movies or anything.  We’re viewing this as a season to heal our bodies, our minds and reconnect as a family after such a traumatic and intense summer.

What does 2017 look like for this little blog?  I’m hoping to actually grow it to the point of providing a bit of income.  I’m planning to share more about our Airstream & homeschool life with you all.  Ultimately my hope is to encourage and inspire people.  The last few years have been difficult, we’ve been through a lot and I feel like if I can help even just one person to find hope and keep up the fight it will be worth it in the end.

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