
IT IS IMPERATIVE that you take the time to vote in this election cycle for Hillary Clinton and encourage your friends and associates to do so as well.

Recent events have placed Your civil liberties and many other important issues in grave jeopardy.

** Trump IS A Horrific Imbecile and more importantly a World Danger.
Briefly, only a subset:
A. He has stated he Will overturn R v W, the judicial precedent of a near one half century, that grants women bodily autonomy and protect their civil liberties. He desires to punish women if they attempt to exercise their right to bodily autonomy. Our civilization will collapse if we place 1,000,000 women in the US in jail every year. It is that simple and stupid and wrong.

B. He believes that climate change is a hoax by the Chinese.
However, climate change is Real, and the consensus of the entire scientific community agrees.
Denying the reality of climate change and refusing to consider that reality, may destroy our planet within the next century.

C. Trump has stated that he desires the proliferation of Nuclear weapons, that he loves War, and he would use nuclear weapons. Using Nuclear weapons could easily irradiate and destroy our planet.

Trump is a existential threat to civilization and humanity. This is Not hyperbole.

Your state’s electoral votes are capable of changing the entire National election, and some states can (and have been historically) be won or lost by a handful of votes.

Please Vote to elect the most qualified candidate to ever run for President of the United States.
Hillary Clinton.
Even in the absence of Trump, a despicable candidate, Hillary Clinton would have been the obvious and best choice against ANY of the GOP candidates.

She has a proven life long career of actions supporting and defending the civil liberties of women, children, and generally all members of society.

This is in stark contrast to the GOP nominee, Donald Trump, who:

– Desires to repeal the Supreme court decision allowing women the rights to choose to have control over their bodies, including access to abortion services.

– Immediately repealing the ACA as he has promised will immediately end health insurance for over 30,000,000 US citizens. People will die, and personal bankruptcies due to health care costs will be epidemic again.

– Desires to “Punish” women that choose to control their bodies.

– Believes that climate change is a Hoax perpetrated by the Chinese and will not even begin to consider the consensus of scientific evidence of the obvious.

– For the first time since the invention of nuclear weapons Trump is a proponent of Nuclear proliferation to other countries. Including Saudi Arabia.

– In his own words has stated a desire to use tactical nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons are for deterrence, not for wanton use.

– Desires to pull back from the geopolitical goals of a unified Europe through NATO, and will disregard our treaty obligations and the US best self interest to maintain our alliances with Europe that have maintained peace for near 70 years now.

– Brags about assaulting women. Brags about trying to seduce married women.

– Has a long sordid history of objectifying women – you have all heard the litany.

– Ivana accused him of rape under oath.

– Over a dozen women have recently revealed that Trump is a sexual predator and assaults women as a matter of routine. Trump has chosen to sue these women, revealing that he desires to make it even more difficult for women to report sexual assault – a known problem already.

– Has settled other sexual harassment cases with gag and non disparagement clauses so those women are not able to speak out.

– He has a hearing for a rape charge this very 12/2016.

– Trump has an impending trial or settlement for massive Fraud in Trump University.

– Desires to sue women that have had the courage to bring forward their stories of abuse by Trump. Again supporting bullying behavior to anyone, for any reason.

– Has mocked the disabled.

– Mocked war héros that spent time in POW camps, because they were ‘caught.’

– Mocked parents who have lost their sons in war.

– He will not release his tax returns as every president in modern history has done so. He promised he would release them, he is able to release them, but he lied and is not releasing them. His 2015 tax return that has been filed and not reported to be under audit could be released tonight.

– Has admitted to bribing a wide variety of people in business over decades.

– Has bankrupted multiple businesses and routinely does not pay people for their good work done.

– Threatened to place Hillary Clinton in Jail, just as a dictator would behave.

– Likes the idea of bringing back torture methods that have been proven to not be helpful.

– Put forward a religious ban on individuals including citizens traveling to the US – it is impossible to ascertain exactly what someones religious beliefs are, let alone adjudicate them.

– Has been shown to have lied more times than any other candidate in the history of presidential candidates.

– Thinks he knows more than anyone on any topic including Generals that fight wars.

– Suggests he will build a 40 foot 1,200 mile wall that Mexico will pay for. And it would go 20 feet underground as well. This will not happen as it is impossible, there is no budget, and where would we get all that concrete? China? As Trump has previously used in violation of trade law?

– Suggests our entire system of democracy is rigged undermining faith in the well established democracy we have as reported by every GOP member that runs elections in their respective states.

– Supports racially tainted causes, and is beloved by the KKK, and white supremacists in general. And he refuses to disavow them in strictest terms.

– His running mate, Pence, distinguished himself by signing into law a law that Protects Discrimination in the state of Indiana. And who pronounces that he is dedicated to his Christian Moral vision before the best interests of our country.

– The GOP has mostly refused to defend Trumps idiotic and imbecilic comments and many including Paul Ryan admitted that Trumps statements were textbook definitions of racist statements.

– His planned economic policy expands our debt massively, and is incoherent.

– Wants to kill the families of terrorists and opponents, who are likely innocent civilians.

– Desired to allow people to carry open guns in bars, a notion that the NRA does not even support.

– Supported physical violence at his rallies.

– Insulted and had a fight of words with the Pope (who gets in a fight with the Pope?) – even if you disagree with the Pope?
The list is endless.

– Has broken the law by directing funds (he was fined) in his foundation to pay for personal expenses including bribing an attorney general to not investigate his Trump University fraud case.

Please Defend your country with your vote.

IT IS IMPERATIVE that You vote, the sooner the better.

Thank you.

Comments are welcomed as always.

If you are an anti choice troll, please do not regurgitate more of Trump’s lies. We have had enough. Stick to the facts.
