
Give Blood to Fight the Summer Slowdown in Donations

This OTYCD post originally appeared in July 2018.


Please donate blood before and during the summer months, a time when donations tend to fall off sharply.


The Red Cross always needs donations of blood and platelets, but things get worse in the summer months, when schedules are disrupted by vacations and blood drives at high schools and colleges are not an option.


If you are a regular donor, please plan vacations with your donation schedule in mind, and try to recruit a friend or two to come and donate with you during the summer.


If it’s been a while since you gave, think about how and when to work a blood drive into your summer plans.


If you have never donated, find out if you are eligible, and consider whether it is something you feel you can do.



Find the Red Cross blood drive happening closest to you:




Read about how blood and platelet donations tend to drop severely–losing as many as 100,000–during the summer:




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