Racism: African born, towards black Americans 

I hate to admit it, but I’m racist. Racist against those, who are racist against me.

Just now, another blatant act of slight, disrespect and non acknowledgement.

Tue, April 18th, 2017 1:40pm

Not ten minutes ago, I go into Giants

[It’s a challenge as it is, dealing with mental issues, anxiety,. Fighting the incredibly strong urge, to stay in and isolate. Then this]

I speak to the first person I encountered (My dad taught me this, it’s called manners) who was a black american male (autocorrect, I chose not, to cap that A!) and an employee. He doesn’t speak, he says “Hi baby, to a light skinned person, that was male, that was behind me. This is strange for a few reasons for me, 1. If he only likes and speaks to men. (2) I am often mistaken for male, so why didn’t he speak. And (3) Was he exercising, skin tone racism?

The 2nd person I speak to (another employee of the store) is a African male. He says nothing, crossed in front of me, to present this old white lady, a bouquet of flowers, then wishes her, a happy birthday.

Now, to other people seeing that, they saw “Aw, What a sweet thing, he’s a wonderful person, For doing that”.

But having been slighted [while dealing with my dad’s diagnosis] for the umph time, all I saw was someone that was lining his self up for a future reward.

And that speaking to me, wasn’t beneficial or necessary.

So, why bother?

I haven’t always felt this way.

As a child, I remember my dad having 2 friends, one named, Michael, the other James. I remember, them fondly. My dad liked them, so I liked them. They we’re both from Africa.

It’s them, I think of, everytime

I say, Hello, to the next person,

Who doesn’t look, exactly like me.

Author: My Life with mental illness

I have dealt with depression, most of my life and I've tried different antidepressant. With the right diagnosis and med mix, I have lost 40 pounds. And I am managing, my mental illnesses.

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