FM21 – Yes Man! – Introduction

Hi! My name is Pierran Shearer. I am not related to Alan but he has inspired me to start a career in football management. This is my Football Manager story. I’m 28 years old and used to teach PE in a school in Cornwall.

The Save

I have to start unemployed with no coaching badges. I was a semi-professional footballer before my injury so that’s where I start. Then from there, it’s simple: I say YES to everything all the time. I take the first job that is offered to me and I stay there until offered another job. I’m not allowed to apply for anything myself and have to move as soon as an offer come in for me. It really is as simple as that. Now on to who I am!


Some of you have heard some of this before but I’ll refresh your minds anyway!

I’ve had a decent upbringing. My family were not wealthy but I was able to have everything I ever wanted. I was born in Truro in Cornwall and lived there my whole life. I once went on holiday to Disneyland in France but that’s the only time I ever left England.

As a child I was very keen on sports. I loved playing cricket, golf but mostly football. And with my surname, I had no choice but to become a footballer! When I was at school, I played in the youth teams at Truro City FC until I was asked to join Plymouth Argyle as a 17 year old.

I was so happy. I couldn’t contain it. I still remember arriving for a tour of the stadium and training facilities. I was going to be a professional football! I was going to realise a dream I had held since I could remember.


I was almost 18 and the manager at the time was considering giving me a game in the first team. This was back when Plymouth were fighting to stay in the Championship. I over-heard the manager, Paul Mariner saying he thought I could make the difference and help keep them up.It was hinted that I would be playing in the game at home against Newcastle. With 3 games remaining, a win in all three would keep us up.But during training in the lead up to the game, I overstretch reaching for a cross and fell awkwardly. It would turn out to be a career ending injury.

I was gutted. My whole life had gone, it felt.

Life After Football

Once it had sunk in that I would no longer be able to have a career as a football player, I didn’t want to have anything to do with football. I thought about what my next steps would be and decided to turn to teaching. I thought I could be a PE teacher and so I would train for it.

I hadn’t realised that I would hate it so much. I though a life out of football would help me forget about it. I was wrong. I want it now more than ever. I NEED to get back to it! So I will be setting out from the bottom. Anyone who will take me! I’m going to be a football manager.

I trained, became a teacher and as I write this now, I have just finished preparing my lessons for tomorrow – the year 8 and 10s will be playing football – and am now writing this blog. Tomorrow I will hand in my resignation and depart on my next adventure. I will be telling my story and hope one day, they’ll make a movie about my life.

I hope you’ll join me in my international journeyman here on this webpage hosted by My FM Story!

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