Sunday Service June 15: Letters to Grandmother

Rev Don Rollins takes us on a consideration of grandparents, at our 11am service, with “Letters to Grandmother.”  Sometimes the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren is as strong or stronger  than any other. Don Rollins will share stories of his favorite grandmother  – a true spiritual guide

Youth and Adult programs begin at 10am. In adult discussion, in celebration of Father’s Day, we’ll look at the male influences in our lives.

This is also our third Sunday potluck.  Everyone is welcome to bring a dish to share or just dig in!

Spirit of Life Unitarian Universalists is covenantal faith community in Odessa that welcomes seekers from all spiritual, theological and philosophical backgrounds who wish to join in a free, rational and responsible search for truth and meaning in their lives.

Spirit of Life Unitarian Universalists is located at 18412 Burrell Road, just off Tarpon Springs Road, east of Boy Scout Road) in Odessa.

Call (813) 792-1622 for more information.