Okay so about Paris!

I was excited as this month I’ve been looking for a web developer to help me revamp this blog. I’ve been writing post daily in my phone to add to the site but every time I’m about to post something interrupts me. But lets talk about summer.


Since I have been missing off the charts, I’d like to share my trip to Paris in May for starts!


Adrian, Shani, and I
Shani is my BFF, and we talked for months about going overseas. I saved right after buying my macbook in October last year and decided that Paris is ! We booked in February for MAY! Adrian’s birthday was a few days after our trip so it was a trip designed to celebrate our birthdays. I’m in April, Adrian in May, and Shani in June, so PERFECT!


We got to see the Eiffel Tower at night when it started to light up, it was beautiful!Wouldn’t trade this trip and all the craziness that happened for the world.
I’m super ratchet but that’s me!
Enjoy! More to come talk to you soon!



Published by Amanda

She Came | She Saw | She Conqured

2 thoughts on “Okay so about Paris!

  1. That is soooo dope that you went to Paris! Lol so clearly I have the wrong friends. But seeing that you were able to say to yourself, I'm gonna save for x amount of months, it makes me confident that I can too. If you have any tips and tricks, you should totally do it!


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