Apparently, it’s birthday week. Yesterday, I realized I’m thisclose to sharing a birthday with Shakespeare. Unfortunately, my mom went into labor 2 days after his birthday (thanks mom). But, since today is my birthday, I wondered who I do share this day with. Turns out, it’s some pretty cool people who are also indirectly related to my 10 favorite things! It all comes together…

Celebrities that share my birthday

Al Pacino, who I’m sure everyone knows from The Godfather I-III, Dog Day Afternoon, Scarface,  Donnie Brasco, Serpico. Yes, he’s made some great movies. However, I really like Scent of a Woman because it’s a bit of a departure for him from the mob genre and I really enjoyed getting to see him act in something out of the norm for him. Plus, it’s a pretty good movie, no?


Bridget Jones (aka) Renee Zellweger, whom I adore for those movies, which are not so loosely based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It’s one of my favorite modern adaptations of her work, other than Clueless, which is based on Emma.


Hank Azaria – He’s Moe! Chief Wiggum! Apu! Comic Book Guy! Carl! Cletus! Professor Frink! Lou! Sea Captain! Supernintendo Chalmers! Disco Stu! Duffman! And so many others! And he’s been on tons of very funny movies and other TV shows. He’s a talented, incredibly funny comedian.


Ella Fitzgerald, who also shares a name with my daughter, is the lovely songstress who belted out great songs like “It Don’t Mean a Thing”, “Summertime”, “Mack the Knife” and, my favorite, “Dream a Little Dream of Me” with Louis Armstrong.

Sharing a birthday with these greats is a great lead-in for my Top 10 Tuesday list of my favorite things, because, in many ways, these celebs directly or indirectly represent parts of this list.

10 Things I Love (Top 10 Tuesday for My B-day)

I figured your birthday is really the only day you can do a list of your top 10 favorite things and not sound like a complete jerk. So, here goes!

1. My family – Of course they are #1 on the list. My husband, daughter, parents, sisters, nieces, etc. They are the best part of my life and I wouldn’t be as happy as I am (most of the time, I am human) without them.

20161217_1339312. Writing books – I love to write and would love to spend all my waking hours doing just that. Although, if I did, maybe I wouldn’t love it so much. But, I am lucky that I have been able to write and a great little indie publisher liked one of my books (The Travelers, Saguaro Books). I’m currently working on the sequel and have a book about a unicorn near completion. And tons of other ideas and started books. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings me for writing.

3. Blogging and the blogging community – When I first started this blogging adventure, I wasn’t so sure about it. Was I a blogger? Who the heck would care what I thought? I actually love it. It’s helps me think and process. It gets my creative “juices flowing.” It’s also writing. And I love to write. I’ve also found that I enjoy the community around blogging, reading other blogs, commenting, receiving comments. I never thought I was someone who would find fulfillment from social media, count me as wrong.

20170107_141508-14. Reading books – This is another activity I wish I could do all the time. I just love to read. My favorite genres are generally fantasy and classics or updates to classics (like Jane Austen, Renee Zellweger connection). Although, it’s hard for me to find a book I don’t like. I can find something good in nearly every book. I love the discovery and excitement of reading stories. I love thinking about books, pondering them, discussing them! Books are just the best! Yay Books!

5. My friends – I’m so lucky to have so many great, wonderful supportive friends, who are always there when I need to just have some fun and are always helpful and supportive. (I mentioned supportive, right? 😉 )

6. My dog – Yes, technically she is part of the family. But she gets a special shout out because she has 4 legs, lots of fur and keeps me company while I’m writing and reading. Plus, she rarely gives me a hard time. She’s my reading and writing buddy.

7. Chocolate – I think it’s possible that I couldn’t live without chocolate. That creamy, delicious treat that never fails to make me feel happy. Whether in hard or liquid form, it’s a staple of my daily life. Thank you earth for creating it. (I hope I get to eat some today with a candle in it maybe.) 🙂

disco-stu8. The Simpsons – When I found out I shared a birthday with Hank Azaria, I was thrilled. The Simpsons has a special place in my heart. It shows up in my book (The Travelers). I’ve even documented my Simpson love on my blog, including how we threw a Simpsons-themed party for my daughter.

One of the reasons I’m so attached to this cartoon (other than the fact that it is witty and hilarious) is because my husband introduced me to it and we used to sit on the couch watching and laughing when we were a young(er) couple. Although we don’t watch it as much today, it still feels like a part of our family. And it still gets quoted on a daily basis.

Favorite episode: Appropriately – Lisa the Vegetarian! So many good lines and she meets Paul and Linda McCartney.

“It’s just a little airborne. It’s still good! It’s still good!”

9. Strong, independent women – Whether it’s in literary or real-life form, I love to read, watch and learn about strong independent women. They can be found in contemporary books, classic novels, TV shows and movies. I gravitate toward these women and their stories: Buffy, the Gilmore Girls, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ifemelu, Veronica Mars, Rainbow Johnson, Jessica Jones, Michelle Obama, Hermione Granger, Elizabeth Bennet, and one of my new faves – Starr Carter (The Hate U Give).

10. Music – Music is one of those things our family bonds around and we consume it like candy, always wanting to unwrap some new piece. We are purchasers of actual records along with Spotify subscribers. My daughter plays 3 instruments. I attempt (and usually fail) to play the guitar. It’s not uncommon to find us having a dance party in our kitchen (at least me and my daughter and our house guests. My husband will join in under duress.) Music plays an important part in my life. So, clearly you can see why I love sharing a birthday with Ella Fitzgerald.

Happy Tuesday!