Starring Zoey Deutch, Glen Powell, Taye Diggs, Lucy Liu, Joan Smalls, Pete Davidson

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(6-Good Film)

Satisfying. Familiar. Enjoyable.

This rom-com follows two overworked, little-respected assistants-one, an aspiring writer, Harper (Deutch) working for an influential sports journalist (Liu), and the other, Charlie (Powell) working for a tyrannical finance titan (Diggs). After meeting randomly, the two assistants, out of self-interest, attempt to set their bosses up, hoping that having love in their lives will make their own lives easier. Generic would be an easy complaint, but unfair, since the rom-com conventions are ultimately always satisfying if done well, and Set it Up is a good romantic comedy. The actors are effortlessly funny and have the requisite chemistry to make you care. Well-written, clever enough comedy.

-Walter Tyrone Howard-


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