So This is Cool!

Wheel full 70px Scroll down to see the map from top to bottom- or, as we call it, from brook2bayou.

Route 170406 800px

Wheel full 70px Apparently WordPress only cares that your images are not more than 800 pixels wide. Tall, hey! Who’s checking? So a route that runs pretty much north to south can be shown at a scale-size sufficient so that you can actually figure out where stuff is.

Wheel full 70px That, by the way, is my final cut at route planning for the trip. I joined all my segments- all 45 of them- together in Ride with GPS to create one long route, and of course discovered a couple of mistakes. And that was after I thought I’d gone over the route in mid-March with the digital equivalent of a fine tooth comb. There was really only one significant rerouting adding about a mile and a half. Other mistakes getting fixed, like going 50 yards up a side street or a small “there and back” circle, reduced the length, though, so I wound up only four-tenths of a mile/650 meters off on a route that is 2,250 miles/3,620 kilometers long.

Wheel full 70px So now I will break this long route back into 45 pieces, secure in the knowledge that my start and end points each day/50 mile/80 km segment are precise. That will also, unfortunately require me to redo the detailed elevation profiles, but I’m going to work with the ones I have done for a while, as they are close enough to plan off of. I will have to fix them, though, before I do the cue sheets. That’s several days work, unfortunately.

Wheel full 70px Well, it’s 50(F)/10(C) degree here in Alaska again today. There may be a “first in 2017” bike ride in my weekend coming up. We’ll see.

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