Guy Allan Davis: How to Choose a Dessert Theme

Before you decide on what kind of special dessert theme to create, analyze the event and the occasion like Guy Allan Davis would do. Talk to the person in charge and ask questions that will make sure that your creation will fit into the overall theme. While some questions that you may ask can deal directly with the dessert, feel free to get a better idea about the event and the occasion in general. You want your dessert to be well-suited for both the event and the celebrant. Find out if there’s a theme and a name for the celebration and if someone or something is being celebrated in particular. It is also helpful to know what hobbies, interests, and preferences the celebrant has. Learn more about the place where the event is being held and the predominant colors.

Guy Allan Davis: How to Choose a Dessert Theme

If the event doesn’t have a theme, you can create a dessert based on the information that you have about the celebration.

If there is a theme, you need to make sure that your creation will fit in. For example, if it’s a birthday party, then creating a Santa Claus dessert is not a good idea unless the party is happening in December and a wedding cake is not going to be a good idea if it is a celebration by a soccer team. While these examples are extreme, they do show that a dessert can be really incongruent with an event, which is why experienced bakers like Guy Allan Davis always do their preparations first.

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