2016 FAB Moments & 2017 Reading Goals/1st Challenge

 2016 will go down in the books (Haha!) as the year that I decided to stop watching the book community from the sidelines wishing I was partaking in all of the book discussions, fangirling, reviewing and opened up Lairofbooks…a blog…something completely outside of my comfort zone. I really just wanted a place to connect with other bookworms and talk about all things books but I ended up getting so much more. This community is AMAZING & most welcoming, at any hour of the day/night I can find someone who has just finished a book and is looking for anyone willing to rant or rave. I’ve made some pretty awesome friends in the book blogging community in such a short period of time & for that I am truly grateful…


2016 FAB Moments

πŸ’Ž Starting this blog after being on the sidelines of the book community for 2 years has brought me so much happiness. A place where I come to de-stress & reach out to many other bookworms who are doing the same. A safe place to be myself, May 24th was a very good day for this bookworm ☺️

πŸ’Ž  Lairofbooks finally motivated me to put my Twitter to good use LOL, another platform that has connected me to so many great bookworms & authors

πŸ’Ž Meeting my Book Twin Gretchen over at ChicNerdReads has been one of the highlights of this year. I’ve mentioned it before here on the blog but i’ll say it again, Gretchen played a key role in motivating me to start LairofBooks & she didn’t even know it πŸ’• This year has been made all the better because of our friendship πŸ’•

πŸ’Ž Attending my 1st Bookcon & acquring some physical ARCS early October made my rest of the year LOL

πŸ’Ž Getting approved by HarperCollins on Edelweiss after a slew of declined emails, taught me to never throw in the towel πŸ˜‰

πŸ’Ž Reading 71 books out of the 60 I set as my goal, the most I’ve read any year…I don’t see myself setting the 2017 challenge at 100 but I do think i’ll mentally be cheering myself on to the 100 finish line lOl *over achiever*



2017 Goals

πŸ’Ž To keep on keepin on? Lol nah, I’m not very good at sticking to my goals but I sure do try. I’ll keep it simple though…To continue having fun reading, blogging, and meeting new bookish peeps πŸ˜„

πŸ’Ž Working up the nerve to post my 1st discussion…it’s coming this year *pinky swear*

πŸ’Ž Participate in any reading challenge or Read-A-Thon (I used the dashes not sure if that’s a thing)

πŸ’Ž Possibly hit that 1K mark on my Bookstagram Lair_Of_Books πŸ€”πŸ“ΈπŸ“š

πŸ’Ž Read outside my go-to genres starting with Poetry & a bit of Horror

πŸ’Ž Continue reading Diverse Books & supporting Own Voices authors


Challenge Guidelines

πŸ’Ž The challenge will run from Jan 1, 2017 – Dec 31, 2017.

πŸ’Ž Anyone is welcome to join. You do not need to be a blogger, just post your reviews and come back every month to link them up.

πŸ’Ž Any genre, release date, request date, length, etc. counts so long as it came from Edelweiss or Netgalley.

πŸ’Ž At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews.

πŸ’Ž If you forget to link up one month it’s not a problem just add your reviews next month.

πŸ’Ž If you would like to move up or down levels that is completely fine and at your discretion.

πŸ’Ž If you have any questions tweet me @BookishThings or e-mail katrina@bookisthingsandmore.com!


Bronze – 10 Books

Silver – 25 Books

Gold – 50 Books

Platinum – 75 Books

Diamond – 100 Books

This being my very 1st reading challenge, i’ll set my goal level at 25 & move up (hopefully) as I progress. No pressure but a good way to keep me motivated with the good ol’ ARC pile πŸ˜‰

 Happy New Year my Bookish Peeps, wishing you all a FAB 2017 filled with great books along the way!!! πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‰πŸ’•

Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

40 thoughts on “2016 FAB Moments & 2017 Reading Goals/1st Challenge”

  1. You only started blogging in 2016? Blimey, I thought you have been doing that for way longer- you’re a natural! πŸ™‚
    happy New Year and here’s to exciting new books and blogging challenges πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It seems like you had a good year on your blog for 2016 Lilly, and hopefully 2017 will be just as amazing! I can’t believe you only started blogging this year, it feels like you’ve been around for much longer than that! Also Bookcon looked like so much fun in your photos as well, it’s great that managed to make it on your fab moments for this year!
    Good luck with your reading challenge, and I hope you had a Happy New Year as well! πŸ˜€ ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Beth! Time does fly when you’re having fun πŸ˜ƒ thank you, it’s been such a positive experience. I look forward to opening WP every day & miss it dearly when I don’t. Meeting such great people such as yourself has made my year all the better. Bookcon was EPIC & I’m just glad to be going again this June. Thanks again Beth & I wish you and yours a very happy New Year! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‰πŸ’•

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It certainly does, and I feel the same way. Blogging is always something I look forwards to at the end of the day after I’ve gotten home from work. It’s just been wonderful interacting with everyone here!
        I hope you have an equally amazing time at Bookcon in June then, I’m sure it will be wonderful!
        That’s all right, and thanks Lilly! ❀ πŸ˜€


  3. I started my blog this year too and it was the best decision I ever made. I’m so glad you decided to venture into book blogging and that I met you on here πŸ’•. And congrats on surpassing your goodreads goal! It seems like every surpassed theirs except me πŸ˜‚. Good luck on all of those goals and I hope you achieve them all. I’ll be keeping an eye out for that discussion posts. I hope you have a fantastic 20117, Lilly! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thats awesome Melissa!!! & I feel the same way, best decision I ever made as well. Thank you & it’s been so much fun being blogging buddies, i’m very happy to have come across your blog πŸ˜‰ & that’s ok, 2017 is here and you get to give it a go all over again haha! Wishing you a FAB 2017 Melissa! ❀ ❀ ❀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. AWWWW I LOVED EVERY THING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot of us all started this year which is super cool. You know I’ve told you this a bunch of times but again, I am beyond grateful to have met you in 2016 and have a personal friendship with you outside the blog. You are an amazing friend my dear and anyone should be lucky to have you as their friend. PLUS! we get to talk about books lol. I admire you for reading 71 books in 2016 with the busy life you have being an outstanding woman, mother, and wife. I hope this year is even better! I cannot wait for Bookcon this year with you and I also would love to read more diverse books. You got this!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU GRETCHEN!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ we have sort of like a group of bloggers who have started in 2016, so cool being surrounded by some amazing bloggers! Love you my bookish twin! you are just as amazing, caring, and wonderful πŸ˜‰ I honestly didn't think i'd make it to my goal what with the kids, hubby, and work but I guess miracles do happen lol. I am looking forward to Bookcon so much that I am starting a little countdown when we get closer this summer haha! we shall read diversely together my friend! I'm actually going to also participate in Naz at ReadDiverseBooks book challenge because it is stress/pressure free. You simply add your link to the diverse books you are reading as you on his open round-up post throughout the mth. A great way to find more diverse books & bloggers. I wish for you my friend, a wonderfully FAB 2017 but I already it will be πŸ˜‰ XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Why didnt I see this long ass comment on my phone? See this is why I like to comment back on the desktop…I love you as well twin!! I saw his reading challenge being talked about on twitter but haven’t fully checked it out so will do asap!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. You had a lot of awesome things happen in 2016! That’s exciting! Awesome job with reading 71 books out of your 60 book goal. I want to have discussion posts on my blog as well, but I have no clue what to talk about haha. I am hoping that this year I can at least do a few of them though. Good luck to us both!


  6. “2016 will go down in the books” baha you know how I love a good pun πŸ™‚

    So happy you decided to join the bookish community and not watch from the sidelines any more. It has been a great pleasure following your blog and getting to know you these past months. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in 2017! This includes that discussion post lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol yes! 🀣🀣🀣 even I chuckled while typing that one smh. Thank you Amanda, it’s been awesome getting to know you through you blog & twitter. I don’t know many mums in the blogosphere, so crossing paths with you has been pretty cool. From one mum to another πŸ’• the pressure is on for that discussion post bahaha! I purposely listed it for accountability this way I must work on reaching this goal β˜ΊοΈπŸ’• you can’t wait to see what I have in store?!?! I can’t wait to see what great books YOU have in store for us! always a pleasure Amanda πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great goals for this year! And that challenge sounds fun. I may have to join since I’m super behind on my NetGalley books. Good luck in 2017! Happy New Year ❀


  8. Congrats on an amazing year, Lilly! I’ve only recently started to follow you, and I think you are just *meant* to be in this community. Your comments and reviews are always on point. I look forward to your upcoming discussion posts. πŸ™‚ Keep on keepin’ on. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jackie! Your words mean a lot to me, it hasn’t been easy finding the right fit. Should’ve known I can always turn to books to lead me to the right places & people β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•*just keep swimming* haha! πŸ’œ

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