Crafted By Colette

A place for me to ramble about my art and crafting exploits.

August Scrawlr Box

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blogging-the-backlog-of-monthly-challenges series to bring you a monthly challenge that is actually on time.  Yes, I’m actually blogging about a monthly challenge in the month following it – and not several months later.

I get really excited when the Scrawlr box drops through my door.  Surprises!  New art supplies!  New challenge!

The August Scrawlr box contained the ever-present pencil, a Pilot drawing pen, a Clairefontaine sketchbook and a pack of Chameleon Fineliners.

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The fineliners were really intriguing.  I bought myself a Chameleon Marker years ago – way before I was really interested in art – and then I ended up selling it.  Chameleon Markers have a “unique” system which lets you attach a mixing chamber to your pen and it blends the ink right on the nib.  It is pretty impressive.

I saw a glimpse of the fineliners on Instagram just the day before the Scrawlr Box arrived so I was super eager to try them out.

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Possibly a little too eager.  They were a lot of fun.  I could have filled the whole little sketchbook, but I resisted.  Just.

I did try colouring with them, but they aren’t really designed for that I don’t think.  It doesn’t look great.

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I didn’t do a full art piece with this box, but I don’t mind.  I spent about 8 hours playing with them and I’ve been doing so off and on ever since.  The fineliners are very awesome.

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It is tempting to get some more Chameleon Markers again, but they are NOT cheap and I already have an expensive marker habit – more about that coming soon.

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The featured art for August – which isn’t rude, because it’s a classic – is by Jonathan Knight and looks awesome.  Scrawlr are very good at picking their featured artists.

It’s very impressive.  I’m completely in awe of artists like that.  But it isn’t as adorable as this.

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One response to “August Scrawlr Box”

  1. […] And thanks to Scrawlr Box I’ve had a chance to try lots of new mediums including oil paints (which you can read about here), gouache (which you’ll be able to read about in a few weeks), watercolor brush pens (which you can read about here), and Chameleon colour-changing fineliners (which you can read about here). […]


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