1. Someone need to sniff their meds, I mean “take” their meds.

2. Just mailing a Nigerian prince who is interested in my Pork Markets.



5. For lovers of Dad’s Army.



How many bureaucrats does it take to change a light bulb?

One to issue the requisition form LB24, one to sign the work order DF69, three to consult with management and reject both forms as not applicable to maintenance as per regulations. Seventeen to form a fact -finding committee to discuss the over-use of LB24. After 10 months of debate, there will be an inquiry into the findings of this committee, and 21 members will discuss the ramifications. After a further year the Under-Secretary of Public Works will call a press conference to announce increased budget spending to increase efficiency of the Department.


The reason lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place is that the same place isn’t there the second time. – Willie Tyler







A PUZZLE. This fellow has eight stitches, a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder. But how did it happen? Here’s his story.

“I was sitting with my phone and my wife was watching her favourite TV programme. I asked her to fetch me a beer from the  kitchen. She said no, she was watching TV.

“I phoned her number. Her phone rang in the kitchen. She got up, went through and answered it.

“I said: ‘Seeing you’re there, can you fetch me a beer?’ After that I don’t remember anything at all …”


“You know you’re living in Britbin when your petrol light is on and your house lights are off.”




“Tom, since when did you start wearing a G-string?”

“Since my wife found one in my car and I told her it was mine …”


THE three bears are out of work after the whole Goldilocks scandal.

They get offered a day’s work on a building site, and the foreman gives them a task and some picks.

Giving them their tools he says: , “Don’t lose them”.

After working all morning dinner arrives, and off they pop for lunch.
On returning from their break, they discover that their picks have gone.

Fearful of losing their jobs they reluctantly report it to their boss who starts laughing and sings.

“Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picks nicked”


HERE’S a politically correct version of an old nursery rhyme that will soon be sung in kindergartens and nursery schools all over.

Baa-baa non-specified colour grain-fed sheep,

Have you any cruelty-free wool?

Yes, gender-neutral person, yes, gender -neutral person,

Three recycled, eco-friendly bags full!

One for my nominal yet essentially equal superior, one for his/her consort,

And one for the little child, male or female being irrelevant, who lives down the lane.




19. A single tree, attached by its roots (ie still growing in the earth) stopped a lorry with a load of 100 trees, detached from their roots (ie chopped down). If you want to stay strong, stay attached to your roots and your principles.

20. My father told me: if you make fun of someone, you will become like them. Since yesterday, I’m making fun of millionaires!

21. or Munguin!

22. I do hope it blows them out of the water…





27. Ohh, a candlelit dinner. So romantic. What gave you the idea? …The power cut!

28. The Banana Island. How Britain made itself the laughing stock of Europe.


30. I’m looking for the book “Ideal Man”. On the right on the “science fiction” shelf.











Thanks to Brenda, John, TM, Eric, Graham

Double dose today because there were so many I liked… and Munguin is going to be taking some time off, so you’ll get some peace.

66 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Fabulous thanks for the laughs and extra laughs, always welcome. The IKEA parody, the bendy banana, very clever, ha ha, and the black hole, aww. Have a good time off, you deserve it. Oh and yes, the clocks changing time, our animal companions can take weeks to cotton on. 😻

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I will let my cat know what you said lol! He just likes to sit and meeow, and meeow, and meeow in really really annoying little chirpy sounds, on repeat, until I get up to let him out, no cat door due to too many doors. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Agree, Hetty. The feline family still think it’s time for morning ablutions, not knowing they’re an hour early by the clock. On my (now) pre-dawn patrol – same ‘time’ but sunrise sooner- I’m still nagged to be let out. Not so fast, it’s not even 06:00 yet. Yes, but feels like 07:00 to us. True, and with sun-up almost on us, it’ll soon be time for outside. In the window a few muntes later, silent miaows pleading for re-entry to relative warmth.

    At 9C, not too bad this morning. Down to 3C a few days ago. Cloudy but forecast to clear later and reach 23 mid-aternoon. Betterthan Scotland, I think. Could do with some of your rain, though. Haven’t had a good downpour for ages. KKK assembly on Kalinka’s veranda focuses hopefully on promising clouds, but always disappointment. Not that we can see the sky any more. Too dark now, and groping for gate and door keyholes on return. Maybe just follow suit with the menagerie?

    Never mind. Great JFAL start to the day – and the week. The Liz ‘Me Two’ movement brought a real LoL! (Now that I know what it doesn’ stand for.)

    Tris, enjoy the break. Well earned, and I think we could just try and cope without you for a day or two. Munguin, on the other hand…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep, great description of cat shenannigans, ours is same, cat tapping at the window to be let in, usually with us it’s 20 minutes later, I set alarms so I can wake up to let him in if required.
      Yes hopefully we’ll cope with Tris away, have some tidying up to do and now it’s dark here at 4.30pm…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Some funny ones today, I particularly liked pardon my French because that’s exactly the kind of thing I would have done. Literal moi? Mais oui!

    Enjoy your holiday and we look forward to your return on Sunday. Yeah returning on Sunday with cute animals and vistas? We’ll just have to post below various funnies and cute critters.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL Thanks, PP.

      Feel free to post *whatever while I’m attending to me factotum duties.

      *within the parameters that would be acceptable to Munguin, obviously.


  4. It’s becoming more obvious,
    sunak fully trained by the bojo.

    Surrounds himself with low talent to make his position look more secure.

    His problem is that they all think they are better than him and are just waiting their chance.

    Note how he’s gone to ground, send the hirings out to do the lying for him.

    The fire bombing is a huge worry, when will we get the truth and not the propaganda.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Apparently Braverman is shocked about the situation in the concentration camp. Pity she wasn’t shocked before and done something about it.

      The French offered to set up a centre in France for processing refugees. The Brits, typically, refused to co-operate.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Some funny ones today …..here’s some others….not AS funny….


    “Would you like anything on your chips?”

    “Does it cost extra?”

    “Ten pence.”

    “All right, I’ll have four sausages and a steak pie!”


    As an American, it makes me so sad to see that nothing is made in the USA anymore.

    I just bought this new TV and it says “Built-in Antenna.” I don’t even know where that is.


    Her: “Why do we need walkie-talkies?
    Our relationship is over.”

    Me: “Our relationship is what? Over.”


    My wife asked me if I could clear the
    kitchen table.

    I had to get a running start but I made it.


    I asked my wife when her birthday was.
    She said March 1st.

    So I walked around the room and asked again.


    My daughter asked me if I had seen the
    dog bowl.

    I said, “No, I didn’t even know he


    I just discovered my wife’s Tinder profile, and I am so angry.

    She is not “fun to be around”.


    I asked my wife if I was the only one she ever slept with. She said yes.

    The others were either sevens or eights.


    My wife said, “I can think of 14 reasons
    to leave you, plus your obsession with

    I replied, “That’s 15 love.”


    That’s my (weak) contribution to the funnies….

    Have a nice day everyone


    Liked by 4 people

  6. Broke me Electric wing mirror bought
    A replacement…, not compatible..
    So send it back did not realise the origination country was Germany 🇩🇪.
    WTF 😳

    So had return to hated foreign nation EU bastards … as the brexiteers do say .

    The paperwork was insane to sort out
    The post office said have you attached customs 🛃 declaration,, I had 👊🤷‍♂️

    And off it went ..

    The vile scum disgusting 🤢 Tory scum keep on about Frictionless trade
    (But not to Johnny Foreigner)

    I do have more than a little sympathy
    To any budding plutocrat in the 🇬🇧 UK

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Love the wee article on control.

        Seems that HS2 isn’t about speed now, it’s capacity.
        They’ve decided it’s to be driverless.
        Don’t worry though, it’s to have a crew of two, a man and a dog.
        The dog is to stop the man from touching any controls.

        Oh, the man’s duties, he’s to feed the dog.

        The food minister says that we are now world leaders in food production methods.
        We no longer rely on feathers to do the work of the bees, we’re using technology.
        He was talking about GM food but failed to use that pair of words.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. And did they give any indication of when we might expect to see this amazing driverless world beating train on the rails? This century? Next?

          Thank heavens, at least there will be a dog.

          We are world leaders in everything, I think, so why not food.

          If they insist on allowing the GM stuff, they may find their market somewhat limited. Taking back control is fine, but it has consequences if you use it to lower standards.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. The gove suggests it’s about to be put on hold, the food minister says we’ve spent soo much already we might as well finish it.

            The guardian has a video on Grimsby, well named town, foodbanks unable to cope, a tory mp as well.

            See the numbers crosing the channel are up again, noticed that the facility is using the spare tents from the vaccination programme at £300 a day rental, somebody’s making money.

            Is sunak coming to visit dross? or is that just more propaganda?

            Liked by 1 person

                1. Truss said, when asked if she would work with Nicola Sturgeon, given how rude she had been about her, that she would work closely with D Ross.

                  Sunak hasn’t proved to be any better so far.

                  Liked by 1 person

              1. Yes, I think he was sent for.

                I wonder if Sunak has done the courtesy of calling the first ministers of the devolved governments.

                Truss showed her ignorance by not doing so, but both Johnson and May were immediately in touch and visited soon after… Johnson to a very unfriendly reception from people in Edinburgh.

                I wonder if Sunak has more manners and more understanding of protocol.


        2. Incidentally, if HS2 isn’t about speed, should they continue to call it HS, which I thought stood for High Speed?

          I mean it’s going to be a bit embarrassing when the Chinese, Japanese, French, Germans, Spaniards, Italians and Indians present their high speed trains… and England (because it doesn’t come near any of the rest of us) presents theirs and it trundle’s along more slowly than a steam train…

          Or have they changed it to being a steam train?

          Maybe rename it SS… I imagine some of the Tories would like that!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. ST = Slow train, the speed has already been reduced from the original design that matched the Eurotrains.

            The number of railsets ordered had to be reduced as slowing the trains mean less on the line at a time.

            If it’s about capacity they’ve already shot themselves in he foot.

            Why not double decker trains?

            The sue ellen is being used to cover up the the austerity to come, IF, on Thursday the BoE raises interest rates there will be further misery.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. So, in fact, there is absolutely no point in having this train from London to Biirmingham?

              And all it has cost the taxpayers from all over the UK (so far) is… ???

              Must remind the Tories about that when next they whine about the ferries.

              Slow boats to China are nothing compared with a slow train to Birmingham.

              Ah, double decker trains… not for the likes of the Brits.

              Are we supposed to be getting a budget from Jeremy Whatsit?

              I think it was supposed to be at the end of October… Did it get a slow train too?


      2. I had paid extra to cover possible returns so did not any extra …
        It was a lot of paperwork for one item ..
        What anyone does with multiple items I just wonder.
        All completely avoidable before Brexit.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Probably more accurate as sunak wouldn’t travel to the colony as he’s too busy.

    See the report that the new car battery company in Blyth is in trouble, the one that cleverly promised financial help to set up, still waiting on their money, £100m.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. They did and, for the first time ever, voted in a Tory MP last general election. Friends of mine live just a few miles from Blyth and were horrified. The Tories can fool a lot of people into voting for them, they have ways and the means.


  8. Morning Tris (and Boss). Are you off already? And don’t say, ‘Yes, I stink like this all the time.’ JFAL was yesterday. (Note that I used Dr Johnson’s correction when a lady told him, ‘You smell!’ He reprimanded her with: ‘No madam, YOU smell. I stink!’) Munguin, of course, could never be accused of such olfactory offence.

    While on nocturnal prowls earlier, last comment was at 16:25 ydy. Kept expecting something more recent, and apearance of Random Thoughts, but no change. Now pre-dawn patrol at close to 06:00. Are Munguinites all away as well (or on strike)? This is an unprecedented length of silence on MNR.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. John: “Morning Tris (and Boss). Are you off already? And don’t say, ‘Yes, I stink like this all the time.’”

      I wonder if spoiling food “going off” is more a UK/Europe phrase than American. Here in the Midwest, I hear that food has “gone bad.” The term might be different in New York and the big eastern cities (which is like a different country,) or California (which is a different planet.)

      Anyway, potato salad can certainly go bad:


      1. LOL LOL.

        Gone off is certainly what we use here…

        Tourné au vinaigre =turned to vinegar, mal tourné =turned bad, (as in the Midwest), are the ones I’ve heard in France…

        Any others?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tris…..”Turned bad” is the phrase I’ve always heard here in the Midwest. Which always makes me think of the Larson cartoon. 🙂
          I think I probably first encountered “gone off” here in Munguin’s.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. LOL. I’m on holiday, so sorry, John, that’s it for this week. Actually in in the Towers waiting for a new chair, which Munguin kindly bought me, to be delivered.

      But Munguinites can continue to comment to without me here..

      I’m sure that there will be much happening in the next few days… and anyone can raise Off Topic subjects.

      Who knows, there may be a new Prime Minister by Wednesday… and there should be a new Home Secretary!

      Munguin smells as ever of fabric conditioner form his scarf… and pink needles from his après bain! Subtle and refined as you would expect from a media mogul of his import!!


    1. Fortunately Kirkton is some distance from the Towers and Munguin has never set flipper in the place, although we did hear the helicopter. I thought perhaps the Grand Arch Duke was coming to dinner, but it seems I was wrong.

      Pity, what to do with all the food I prepared.

      I don;t know what it was about, but I see that some Labour bloke wants to know what the Scottish government is going to do to stop it happening again.


  9. Were Tris still with us, Munguin would by now have him knocking out some Random Thoughts. No shortage, even from my distant perspective, and I’d have thought Munguinites would already be in action with comment. OK, still coming up 08:00 in Scotland, but here’s a few to help get the conversation going. And that’s just from a quick skim of the headlines on the UK page on the Eeb’s website…

    • “Costs for tea bags, milk and sugar all rose as food price inflation jumped from 10.6% last month to 11.6%, the BRC-NielsenIQ price index found.”
    – Beer at £8 a pint is bad enough, but now falling back on the time-honured cup of tea is being priced out of reach. Or is it? What news from the front-line at Lipton’s?

    • “Matt Hancock defends joining I’m A Celebrity cast”
    – Does anyone care? The guy’s a proven eejit and therefore eminently qualified to take part.

    • “Police vetting lets in wrong people too often – report”
    – Ah, that could explain the high turnover of prime ministers and cabinet members. But no… the story’s about people joining or already in the police. In my distant youth, several teuchter uncles managed. Even if one of them (along with many other alleged perpetrators) was accused of dragging a dead horse from Sauchiehall Street to Hope Street, all the easier to write an incident report.

    On the Great Britbin (Far Northern Region) pages, I read:
    • “Lives ‘at risk’ in strikes and ‘anarchy’ in Dundee”
    – What?? Anarchy just because Tris and Minguin are out of town? Readers may also be able to tell me about Kirkton. There’s a line in Tam o Shanter, ‘And in the Lord’s hoose, e’en on Sunday, ye’d drink wi Kirkton Jean till Monday.’ Seems a far ride from Alloway to Dundee to find a drinking partner (or fellow kirk-ganger).

    OK. Enough there to be getting on with. Visiting MNR and finding othing new – post or comment – is a bit sisconcerting, even if it is almost 10:00 here and I’mwell topped up with caffeine, nicotine, and the various other pills and potions deemed essential for continued existence.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Ah, John”, says Munguin. “It’s just as well I can count on my head of Bulgarian Office to keep things going when the lazy scoundrel Tris, is lying tanning himself in the grey drizzle of a Scottish November”.

      I saw some photographs of the police that England has been taking on to fulfil the promise of part replacing the 20,000 police they paid off over the last 12 years, presumably believing that there was no longer any crime in England.

      Scarily they all looked, erm, how can I put this politely… a little rounded… well, fat actually. Their bellies were hanging over their trousers.

      I reckon your average crook will be thinking…. yup, can get away from that pretty easily at a trot.

      Kirkton is worrying. One of the people who lives there, and is probably a bit more in touch with the situation says there is a huge amount of discontent among the youths. Cold and hungry… and without hope (but seemingly with sufficient funds to buy fireworks). So who knows. Time all fireworks were banned in Scotland.

      I fear we may be in for a lot more of this…all over the UK, as things get worse over the winter.

      People will only get poorer, putting the heating on will become more worrying, getting enough to eat, when food inflation is over 11%, and the UK government bragging about the £400 they are giving to each family and assuming that it is enough. Worse still, Covid will almost certainly rise again.

      How someone as rich as Rishi can know what poverty feels like, is beyond me.

      A winter of discontent, I think.

      As for the slimy Matt Handcock… No words. Doesn’t he have a job? I’ve never watched this Celebrity programme but I assume it will take weeks.

      He should not be paid his salary when he’s doing it… If it were any other job, he would be sacked. If he worked on the cigarette counter in Tesco he would be, so why not a failed minister.

      But it seems the thing to do. Dorries did it, as did Dugdale… and of course, Johnson seems to do whatever he wants to do… lecturing in the USA and holidaying in the Caribbean, all when they are being paid £80,000+ a year to be in London or Edinburgh.

      That would make paying the electricity bill easier.

      Munguin says, your extra effort is worth a 5% bonus on this month’s stipend. Don’t spend it all at once.



  10. You missed some other items,

    The pm has gone missing, expected to be found at lunch.

    The Fracking scrummage at the lobby in westmonster has been investigated by the chocolate teapot called the speaker, he’s condemed the reporter to be hung drawn and quartered for taking photographs on a mobile phone.

    The fully trained pm is sending out the vegetables to do the morning round of diversion conversations.

    The concentration camp is ‘Fit for Purpose’ says the man who sold off planning permission to a friend, planned to have 1600 residents, now has 4000, seems they looked at nazi programmes and found that there was plenty of room, ust the rate of infection is delayed.

    A failed statem moving to more failures.

    We have more aircraft than trained pilots,sounds great until you find out that we have 27 aircraft called F35 at £100m a pop and then we’ve paid off hundreds of trainee pilots as we can’t train them.
    They’ve gone off to work for the Chinese.

    The black hole in the uk economy is not bad news it seems, the ebc haven’t spoken about the deficit from Scotland’s GERS figures.

    Seems that the queen’s eleven have been renamed Norway, as they’ve been eliminated with Nil Points.
    The other half are also eliminated.

    No xmas illuminations this year the BoE is putting up the bank rate.

    It’s a good job we have the strong arms of englandland or we would really be in trouble.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We should be used to PMs going missing, Dave. They never hang around for long. I hope he took the Home Secretary with him.

      I think she’s right. The UK needs to leave civilisation behind and take back control… you know, on the basis that it does it so well. If you are going to become the North Korea of Europe, might as well do it properly. Not that they ever do anything properly.

      I was laughing at this taking back control of borders last night when reading that some Brexiteer was telling everyone on Twitter that they had no problem with imports. The they were told that this is because, the country that insisted on taking back control of its borders is the one country that HASN’T.

      They don’t have the staff or the facilities/equipment to control what comes in… so things just flow through.

      The EU has sorted out customs control and, in line with the “taking back control” mantra, has…um taken back control. Irony or what.

      Laughing stock or what?

      I see Ben Wallace’s administration of the Defence department is up to scratch with the rest of the government’s admin of…well, everything.

      I bet they have about 5,000 admirals and generals and no troops.


  11. Thanks, Dave, for fleshing out the headlines. Idid say ‘quick skim’ of Ebc website, though. No licence needed here, but anyoing ‘register’ pop-ups keep, er, poping up. Supposed to give you all sorts of added benefits, but effectively a thin disguise for data harvesting. Collet as many email addresses and phone nos as mugs can be conned into giving.

    I did read aabout the King’s XI and the uncoveted goal difference and ‘nil’ distinction. Mekes a pleasant change from having my own team derided as having ‘-nil’ as part if the full name. As for the greenyins’ matching exit – a plagye on both their houses. I know I’m not the only Jags-supporting Munguinite. Not only cause I’man atheist who can’t stand the sectarian bigotry that always attends them, Blue-nose or Green.

    Eeb website’s lead headline now reads: “Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report”. But there’s nothing in the story below about Tory MPs finding new jobs before being unseated at the next elections.

    No doubt Munguinites will be able to explain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t really follow the football but just laugh when I read the players listing for the ‘BIG’ teams.
      Looks like the management are mad, they buy in European players that can’t get a game there and expect those players to win in Europe.

      Even the bestest league in the world, the englander league has the same idea but at least they have money fromelsewhere to buy up players.

      It’s only a game, there has to be a winner and a loser.

      Lovely rain here, the Hydro dam is filling up nicely, we will be able to transmi electricity to the neighbours.
      Also noticed the adverts for the MET police and the new high standards, your waistline must match your height.
      It’s the Russian Doll design.


  12. Ex Tory MP and now BritNat columnist for a BritNat Murdoch owned rag has a column where he states this :

    ” Fat shaming is the only way to beat the obesity crisis.

    He says people shouldn’t feel comfortable about being overweight and society shouldn’t be afraid about speaking out”.

    My God is there NO ONE safe from being targeted by Tories………

    See it’s always black and white with no grey areas for Tory Tw*ts (rhymes with RATS)…..as far as Parris is concerned there is obviously no reasons why perhaps some people turn to food as opposed to alcohol or drugs to find a way to cope……so let’s add yet ANOTHER label…an offensive one….start shouting FATTY at those STRANGERS we see in the street who are overweight……perhaps as a double whammy we can do it at a time when there is a tragedy in their lives….like say when someone close to them has died…..where we who are supposed to ” Fat shame them” by “speaking out” are oblivious to this…..but hey…..they are fat so easy targets………they deserve all they get for being FAT do they not….always simples to a Tory is it not…..same ones who cannot govern a country without being incompetent, corrupt and unfit to have any power or influence…….are we allowed to FAT SHAME an overweight Tory MP then Matthew…well that should raise the level of debate in the HOC…..actually will bring it down to same level the Tory MP’s usually operate at………..and also their failed leaders who ‘play at’ being the PM (on a TEMPORARY basis that is)………

    Matthew Parris can Foxtrot Oscar…….with his licence for arse*oles (rhymes with Farce Trolls) to feel more empowered to (what I think they do anyway) offend and demonise others….a Tory speciality in their and his UK………

    Matthew BTW would be the first to object to fat Tory MP’s being targeted in a debate as that would be a moment where ” speaking out” in highlighting the excessive girth of someone ,would to him , be seen as most inappropriate……perhaps Matthew’s column on overweight people in the UK was his Tory mindset deploying a quite unsubtle take …..in highlighting a warped logic Tories have when trying to demonstrate (badly) their Tory point of view on something …..as in ‘ if there is a cost of living crisis with high food prices then why are so many people in the UK overweight” ?…………also can be interpreted as ” What they Can’t afford to buy food …why then are so many of them overweight” ?………

    Does anyone know many overweight people who , Matthew says, “Feel comfortable about being overweight” ?…….comfortable ?……….obviously Matthew knows the square root of jack sh*t (rhymes with PIT) about how people really feel about being overweight…..and their constant battle in trying to lose weight……..not helped when they live in Tory UK Brexitland….which is engulfed in constant chaos, instability and crisis after crisis caused largely by Matthew’s TORY party….indeed it’s enough to make anyone turn to a cream doughnut or two…just to comfort yourself……but Matthew has THE answer to solve all obesity…..time for all those Doctors who specialise in this area and also all nutritionists to STAND DOWN…..who knew the best way to solve obesity was just to shout FATTY at strangers………..another NON solution courtesy of a TORY…..God give me strength…..how will we endure this constant sh*t (rhymes with BRIT) that flows from their mouths ……when their brains refuse, not fail, to engage…….

    Here is MY take on Matthew’s column that I direct at Matthew :

    ” Idiot shaming is the only way to beat the Idiot crisis.

    I say people shouldn’t feel comfortable about being IDIOTS and society shouldn’t be afraid about speaking out”.

    Works for me……..

    Have a nice day everyone


    Liked by 3 people

    1. I vey much doubt “shaming” people is the way to go for anything.

      Fat can be there for many different reasons.

      Of course there are people who eat too much (of the wrong foods) or who drink vast quantities and get beer bellies…

      But it’s also fair to say that metabolism has a lot to do with it.

      I’m ne of these people who can eat anything and never put on much weight.

      A childhood friend, however, brought up by mother who was a nurse (so sensibly fed), has to watch every meal, and does so, and yet is very fat.


  13. I’m looking forward to hearing the tories abuse their english defense secretary on the ONE year’s delay in the commissioning of HMS Glasgow and being over budget.

    Add in the £1.6 billion order for fleet support ships going to a Spanish Shipyard consortium.

    Will the uk government delay the order for another 12 F35s at a cost of £1oom each.
    SS2 trains?
    The new battery factory?

    Seems that sunak stopped the free movement of people, except for the 40,000 that have ceossed the channel and cost him/us £6m a day in hotel bills.
    Wonder if we can claim the £700+ a week instead of the £180 a week pension.

    Programme Yarrow is setting up plans for 7 day blackouts, seems you’ll get told by R2 and R4 if you still own an analog radio, won’t work on a digital radio. Make sure it works with batteries and you have spares.
    You won’t be moving far.

    Pity that liz smith isn’t in charge of the economy as she’susing next year’s budget for this year.

    It’s so good to have the englanders steal the oil and gas.

    Listened to sunak tell parliament that he is taxing the energy companies with his windfall tax, pity about the get out santa clause, no tax if you promise to invest in the North Sea, you all know it’s run out by now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You couldn’t make this stuff up. Everything they touch turns to ****

      Why did the Brits refuse the offer from the French gov to open an office in France and process the refugees there?

      So, I don’t have an analogue radio so I guess I’ll know when the power goes off when the lights go out and I start to feel cold.

      Great. The joys of living in global Britain.


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The bilingual blog about all things British


Love, theatre and ideas


British Wildlife & Photography


Why Scotland should be an independent country


Thoughts about Scotland & the world, from a new Scot

Divided We Fall

Bipartisan dialogue for the politically engaged

Insightful Geopolitics

Impartial Everytime Always

The Broad Spectrum Life

Exploring Rhymes, Reasons, and Nuances of Our World

Musical Matters...

Mark Doran's Music Blog


Songwriter / Guitarist

Best in Australia

This site supports Scottish Independence


A comic about history and stuff by FT

My Life as Graham

The embittered mumblings of a serial malcontent.

Pride's Purge

an irreverent look at UK politics


Exploring the Depths of Curiosity

Mark All My Words

Nature + Health



Chris Hallam's World View

Movies, politics, comedy and more...


Astral Lucid Music - Philosophy On Life, The Universe And Everything...