Brenda just sent me this. Spot on.


          1. Duh! Don’t the pommies understand that…

            Local consent is not ‘normally’ required, unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as the National Interest of the Tory Party.

            I’m sure that Clause will be there somewhere in a Local Government Act, for example

            Local consent means
            a) Where the persons in the affected area agree with the Englander Government,
            b) Where the persons in the affected area disagree with the Englander Government,
            c) Where the Minister for the Environment of the Englander Government makes a decision that Local Consent is not normally required, or
            d) Any other reason regardless of the opinion of persons in the affected area

            See, I don’t know what there problem is. Maybe they have difficulty reading; dyslexia or something.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Pity that the Scottish Government’s moratorium on fracking is on a bit of a shoogly peg, Kanga, given that energy policy is reserved to Westminster. Oh, but then in 2014 Better Together pledged that Westminster would never make changes affecting Scotland without the consent of the Scottish Parliament. So that’s alright, then.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. LOL.

                I think the Scottish government’s stance is based on the fact that they require planning permission to frack.

                And this will not be given.

                Even if local councils were to grant it, the government can call in these permissions and reverse them.

                I understand that the biggest fracking company has said they aren’t interested in fracking in Britain.

                Interestingly the places that are most likely to be fracked are Ooop North (that no one in the UK government really cares much about) AND, the south coast of England.

                And we all know that that is a very different tale.


                Liked by 1 person

              2. Ed….Tris…….Here in Missouri, I had never felt an earthquake until fracking intensified in the Oklahoma oil and gas fields. Now we have small quakes ever so often. The idea I guess is that we didn’t achieve net hydrocarbon energy independence without breaking a few eggs. ๐Ÿ™‚

                BTW……big quakes are not confined to California. Some of the biggest earthquakes in American history…..the biggest in history east of the Rocky Mountains……. happened in 1811-1812 near New Madrid, Missouri. The quakes toppled masonry in Ohio and rang church bells in Boston…..not to mention briefly reversing the flow of the Mississippi River.



                Liked by 1 person

                1. Small quakes happen, I guess, even when there is no fracking, but it certainly seems to be much worse where fracking is going on.

                  It’s a risk, I guess, that you may have to take, if you have no alternative (although starting from scratch it will take 10 years before much difference will be felt). In Scotland we have alternatives. Maybe they don’t in England.

                  Earthquakes aren’t the only problem though. Water pollution is a problem in some cases.

                  Again, in Scotland we have pretty good water. We really don’t want it polluted in order to produce very little power which we don’t actually need.

                  Nicola Sturgeon has said there will be no fracking in Scotland.

                  In England, Jacob Rees Mogg is in charge of this, and with Jacob Rees Mogg, the MP for the 18th century, anything is possible, ๐Ÿ™‚

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. I guess that small quakes happen all the time in Missouri, especially around the New Madrid fault that caused the gigantic quakes in 1811. But they’re generally too small to be felt. But when the fracking was intensified in Oklahoma, we started to have some that could be felt. A few years ago, one was felt as far north as Nebraska and toppled some masonry nearer the quake. Strange to feel the house move. Even just little bit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. I’ve experienced a few small ones, nothing to write home about. I’d read about the New Madrid ones, also San Francisco 1908, and narrowly missed the one that brought down a bit of the Bay Bridge (?) and the Nimitz Freeway – it happened a couple of days after I’d driven along and over both.

                      What was I going to say? Yes, Rees-Mogg as Energy Minister. Just to remind everyone, he’s a global-warming (sorry, climate-change) denier. I suppose that’s because Fourier – mathematician, physicist and science adviser to Napoleon – and his discovery of the greenhouse gas effect of carbon dioxide postdated Rees-Mogg’s emergence from the crypt as it wasn’t published until 1830, and as we know, Rees-Mogg prefers old facts to new ones.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. I have been in Tokyo when they had shocks.
                      I was in bed and there was a loud bang and the curtain began swaying. Nobody bothered their erchie.

                      In fact I was on a plane having just taken off from SFO when the Captain announced a major EQ.
                      We were already beyond vision and continued. The plane had no telephone and the tension was unbearable with small bulletin and by the time we made Chicago we knew the measure of the damage but not the death count.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Tris…..Oh yes, a tall building would be scary. And it’s surely one thing to feel the house bump and shift a little bit, and quite another to have the kitchen cabinets swing open and the dishes fly out and smash on the floor (as they sometimes do in California.)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. If I lived in California, I’d definitely consider plastic dishes!.

                      My mum knew two ladies from San Francisco who had lived through a pretty bad earthquake there in, I think around 1990.

                      That involved a lot more than broken plates, sad to say.

                      It was 1989, I see.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    5. Tris…..Interesting video! After the Loma Prieta quake in San Francisco in 1989, there was the Northridge quake in Los Angeles in 1994 (near Northridge in the San Fernando Valley.) In both cases, the recently constructed buildings and structures that were built to modern earthquake standards survived OK, but people were killed in old structures. So California upgraded building codes yet again.


                      In San Francisco the Bay Bridge across the bay to Oakland had to be entirely rebuilt, and in Oakland, the Interstate-880 Freeway (where the Cypress Viaduct collapsed) was never rebuilt.


                      Over the years California allowed taller and taller buildings to be built in LA and SF as new earthquake standards were developed, and the skyscrapers in downtown SF survived just fine in 1989, while some old structures collapsed. If the 1811 New Madrid quake were to happen today in Missouri, there would likely be mass casualties up and down the Mississippi, in St.Louis and Memphis, where Missouri and Tennessee buildings are not built to California earthquake codes.

                      The downtown San Francisco skyline looks entirely different today, compared to the 1950’s before the really tall buildings were built:

                      Liked by 1 person

                    6. Yes, there’s a huge difference now.

                      I see your state is in a high risk zone, although not Kansas City!!!

                      Should add in that Alaska and Hawaii are also high risks.

                      Munguin reckons you should probably move to North Dakota, where you’ll just freeze to death. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      It must be scary to live in a tower block in a high risk area.

                      In Britain (probably just England), they build them with highly flammable materials, so all you have to worry about is someone’s fridge going on fire and killing hundreds of people.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    7. Tris…..Yes, the Dakotas and the northern Midwest seem safely far away from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires, and the like. All you have to do is avoid getting caught outside in the winter blizzards! The Missouri River meanders through both of the Dakotas of course, but the worst flooding I can think of in the area are the Red River (of the North) floods on the eastern border of North Dakota.


                      (Not to be confused with the Red River of the South, which forms much of the border of Oklahoma and Texas. THAT one BTW is the Red River that appears in the 1948 John Wayne film “Red River,” about the first cattle drive from Texas to Kansas along the Chisholm Trail.)



                      Missouri is high risk due to the system of rock faults in the southeast “Bootheel” region of the state around New Madrid, on the Mississippi River……where the giant earthquakes of 1811-1812 happened. This region really stands out on that earthquake map.

                      As you noted, Hawaii and Alaska certainly need to be on that map. The Richter Scale 9.2 earthquake that hit Anchorage and south central Alaska in 1964 lasted (Wiki says) four minutes and thirty-eight seconds, and remains the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in North America, and the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the world. The tsunami wave that formed in the Gulf of Alaska was at one point more than 200 ft high, and was felt in the Pacific as far as Antarctica.



                    8. Minor damage to boats occurred as far south as Los Angeles.[24] Effects of the earthquake were even noted as far east as Freeport, Texas, where tide gauges recorded waves similar to seismic surface waves.[25] Seiches were detected in wells in countries around the world, including ENGLAND, Namibia, and Australia

                      That seems odd. England is some distance from Namibia… and you’d have thought that if it affected England, Ireland, France , Portugal, Spain Gibraltar Morocco, Mauritania, Sรฉnรฉgal, Gambia and all the west African countries down to South Africa would have been affected…

                      Ha ha . How confusing to have two Red Rivers!!

                      I take your point about the blizzards, ice storms etc. I’ve been in Montrรฉal in the winter… OUCH.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    9. PS…..Howard Hawks’ “Red River”:

                      “Red River” is the film allusion in the title of the 1971 Bogdanovich film ,”The Last Picture Show.” Supposedly it’s the film that was playing in the movie theater of the little Texas town on the night that it went out of business. “Red River” is the movie within the movie.


                      Liked by 1 person

                    10. Tris…..I guess that seismic waves from a big quake can go around the world, and it depends on the equipment in place to record them.
                      Yes, you have to watch out for that cold weather in the Dakotas. There’s a saying that the only thing between the USA and Canada is a North Dakota farmer’s barbed wire fence. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      Liked by 1 person

                    11. I guess that might be it Danny, although, you’d certainly have thought that France would have recorded something like that.

                      North Dakota is a lot farther inland than Quรฉbec. So I guess it is ever colder there…. BRRRR

                      Liked by 1 person

                    12. Tris……Yes, the technology in Europe should certainly have picked up any seismic waves there.
                      North Dakota is ideally suited to experience the continental polar air that comes out of Canada, without any of the temperature-moderating effect of a maritime climate nearer ocean water. Wiki says:

                      Continent polar air masses originate over northern Canada and Alaska as a result of radiational cooling. They move southward, east of the Rockies into the Great Plains, then eastward. Continental polar or continental arctic air masses are marked by surface high pressure, cold temperatures, and low dew points.

                      So our coldest winter air in Missouri comes barreling out of central Canada across that North Dakota farmer’s barbed wire fence. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      Liked by 1 person

                    13. I think this farmer guy in ND really needs to…erm…BUILD A WALL!!!

                      Get the orange guy and his fellow inmates on it, when he finally gets sent to the pokey.

                      I can see Rudi, with bricks and mortar… oh, and that Bannon fellow. The cold air may improve his complexion. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      Liked by 1 person

                    14. LOL……Yes, there were lots of YEE Ha’s in “Red River,” as they started moving the cattle on the Chisholm Trail, across the Red River out of Texas into Indian Territory (later, Oklahoma.)

                      “The Last Picture Show” is a bittersweet coming-of-age film about a high school graduating class in a dirty, dusty little Texas town in 1951-1952, when boys were going off to the Korean War. The closing of the last picture show in town is a metaphor for changing times. “Red River” had been released in 1948, and was perfectly timed for the 1951-52 period of the film, as were the country music records of the period which made up the musical score. It was a major film, but was slow coming to DVD’s because of copyright clearance problems for all the old country music records. I finally saw “Last Picture Show” on DVD though, before I saw “Red River.” ๐Ÿ™‚

                      Liked by 1 person

                    15. I expect its Cow for “get moving, you cows”. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      It seems like a rather sad kind of film, with lots of angry bits… but then I guess that makes it true to life.

                      At least it doesn’t have John Wayne in it. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      Liked by 1 person

                    16. Hahaha……leave it to Trumpy to want to build a wall on the wrong border ๐Ÿ™‚
                      That arctic air from the Canadian Yukon is STILL bitterly cold when it gets to Missouri.

                      Liked by 1 person

        1. All the true believers will be there while a lot of the sensibles are keeping away,โ€ says one MP who will attend. โ€œIf you think John Redwood is the voice of Britain, you have a problem.โ€

          Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL, fair comment.

            John Redwood daily makes a fool of himself with his weird tweets. They are almost as amusing as him playing at being a string puppet while opening and closing his mouth during the Welsh National Anthem.


  1. Paul Middleton
    .@NicolaSturgeon: “I was one of those who criticised @trussliz for being missing in action, but after listening to her this morning, and watching the market reaction as she spoke, perhaps we were all better off when the Prime Minister was missing.” ๐Ÿ”ฅ
    #FMQs #torychaos #budget

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Shame on you, Tris. You didn’t give a credit to the lady for her nonsense. She is Elizabeth Jane Smith, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife.


  3. How remiss of me, Dave. Indeed, she is, and she is Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy. Clearly a Truss fan. She seems to want Scots to join in the pain. Maybe she feels in need of a holiday?

    Henry Zeffman


    Labour have a 33 POINT LEAD with YouGov/Times


    Lab: 54 (+9)
    Con: 21 (-7)
    Lib: 7 (-2)
    Green: 6 (-1)
    Ref: 4 (+1)

    They must have only asked in England as none of the Celtic parties are included.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. After the โ€˜econoclasmโ€™ and โ€˜econoclastsโ€™ inspiration by the chancer/Truss a few days ago, another new word has come to mind: kwasi-economics. Iโ€™m sure Munguinites wonโ€™t have to look up quasi-economics to get the idea.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I like misstruss

    Remember liz smith did time off from the parliament for disclosing sensitive personal data of a complainer.
    Went hill walking with murdo the nutter during lockdown, she wasn’t taken to court like the SNP mp.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Enjoying listening to the Max blog on local radio station interviews.

    Pity EBC scotland ‘journalists’ haven’t been to the local radio peoples training.
    Well they have but only apply that kind of interview to SNP bad.
    Unionist get the free run

    Interesting I newspaper article on the briefing for today, the notes are to push Putin, worldwide problems, energy cap, deflect on any questions on economics, the spin doctors set out the briefing notes.
    The media just keep to the script.

    The local radio must have been seen as an easy way of setting up for the new glorious leaders opening speech on Saturday.
    Now it seems there will be short speeches after 4pm each day, no big one hour speeches by ministers, thanks for that.


    1. Her local radio interviews were well and truly awful.

      She should have anticipated these question and have had answers in front of her.

      I suspect they thought that, unlike national radio, the locals would be an easy touch and just agree with the Great British Prime Minister.

      And they were, as seems pretty normal these days, wrong!


  7. “Liz Truss has finally broken her long painful silence with a series of short painful silences.” (Angela Rayner, regarding the radio interviews).

    “Trussian Roulette (n) – A game where the Prime Minister goes on six local radio shows at random for an easy ride, but finds that none of them are firing blanks.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Urgent help required for ex-pats,illegal immigrants, in Spain.

    Seems that their incomes have fallen by 25% since April, due to the pound tanking and food banks are few and far between in Spain.

    It’s called ‘Spare a euro for an ex-pat’., euro cents are also accepted.

    They are englanders and speak the king’s english.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, that would be a problem when they rely on the Great British Global pound.

      I take my suggestion from the Great British Government ministers, who say, when you don’t have enough money to meet your needs, you need to get out and work, take on extra hours, get a better job, etc.

      I’m sure that they can find something to keep them busy and earning to make up for the Global Britain is in the Bin situation.

      But if begging is all they are up for, Mr Farage made a fortune out of Brexit. If he hasn’t spent it all on fags and beer, maybe they could tap him for a few โ‚ฌ


  9. Seen elsewhere

    “People have alway named children after expensive things eg. ‘Mercedes’, ‘Dior’, ‘Chardonny’ – I’m looking forward to ‘Petrol’, ‘Electric’ and ‘Gas’.”

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Tucked away in the media.

    Truss is considering putting up pensions by the rate of pay increases, probably public services, around the 1 % rate.
    Triple lock can’t be afforded.

    She’s already given you ยฃ400 for nothing other than energy cost rise by ยฃ1000, so generous.

    Looking more like that was their intention, gaslighting.

    Seems we are not in a resession, GDP has risen by 0.2% last quarter.
    Seems the energy cost rise is part of their GDP calculation. much like empty calories from sugar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL LOL…

      That sounds just like Tories.

      Oh, and pensioners: you aren’t dying off as quickly as we would like, and you’re costing the economy a fortune, so we’ll help you along. You have the choice. Freeze or starve. Up to you. Or you can go and get a job.


      1. From lbc radio.
        Distraction but seriously.
        The heedy of Deeping School sent 50 pupils home.
        Their offense was not wearing the correct colour Socks with the school uniform.
        Defends his position by saying they had plenty of warning that the Socks requirement was to be compulsory.

        The National socialists of englandland strike again.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Aye, if you aren’t wearing the right colour socks you can’t possibly learn anything, so you might as well go home.

          It’s such a tasteful looking building too.


          1. The ‘Black Socks’ of Deeping are on the march.

            Are the businesses going to be happy when they find out their ยฃ211/MWhr is today’s cap, tomorrow’s cap is ยฃ100 more.

            Liked by 1 person

  11. Nicola Sturgeon
    Hard to know what to say to the suggestion I should mirror policies (tax cuts for richest) that have sunk the ยฃ, crashed the mortgage market, pushed pensions to the brink, imperilled public services & forced a Bank of England bailout. What planet is the PM living on?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is a tad astonishing. How can we replace the worst prime minister ever with a worst prime minister? It is frankly against syntax far less logic.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I(t takes a considerable amount of talent to manage that.

        Cameron wasn’t a good prime minister, May was bad, Johnson appalling … and this item is beyond words.

        But, you know, leave it to the Tories to succeed when it comes to plumbing depths you didn’t even know existed.


    1. I’m beginning to think that the Pro UK gang accusation of an independent Scotland being ” Greece without the Sun” is not to bad all (CURRENT) things considered….but better still ‘an independent Scotland WITHOUT Tories of ALL colours’…..Mmmm BLISS…..LOL

      Liked by 3 people

  12. Article from gb radio, that left wing media station.

    A mr lawrence fox calls out labour mp rupa hug for racist remarks about a tory.

    Wow, he’s so right there, not that he’s ever done anything like that.

    We won’t need to worry about lighting this winter with all the gas lighting that’s available.
    All we need is the ability to run a media gaslighting device on gaslighting instead of electricity.

    They pulled RT for propaganda, hard to believe that their propaganda is worse than this.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. When you get to a billion i’ll take it in any currency, even the ruble.
            A trillion added to the deficit would cover a thousand monitor screens and be equally unintelligible to us, it’s bloody big number, might as well be infinity.

            Yet when they’re interviewed a billion is just flung out as small change.

            I used to say to the trainees a few years back after asking them what a good pay would mean to them.
            Usually ยฃ10,000 was the answer.

            Then said to them, ‘Do you realise that in your whole working life you will never earn ยฃ1m’?

            Sky had a similar thing on, the millionaire’s tax cut would fund a UC uplift for 55 years.

            Throw in the ยฃ150billion gift to the 6 energy companies and think.

            Liked by 1 person

  13. Must be , there’s a main crop of tatties to be taken in.

    See that ex-whisky guy is promising ultra low interest rates and low taxes if you can just vote tory.

    lord frosty the melted snowman

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The problem is, how do you explain to an elderly person that their energy bills are about to rocket when you walk into their house and are faced by a wall of heat? I have an old friend who feels the cold and isn’t very mobile, all electric house. Every time I speak to her or visit I remind her, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. Then she receives her bill and has a fit as she did a few weeks ago, and that was for the summer! She needs to keep warm, and I understand, plus she gets bits and pieces of extras to help due to age, pension credit, disability etc. But I worry because although she knows what’s going on, she just says “What can WE do?” and carries on regardless because I think she forgets. I’m sure she’ll not be the only one.

    I submitted a meter reading today and had to wait because their site was experiencing ‘heavy traffic’. No surprise there then. Only 2 months into the quarter and despite reducing my usage by 25%, my charges are 32% up on this time last year when we had yet another increase on 1 October! Goodness knows what it will be in a month when the quarter’s bill is due and I’ll need some heat on before then.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is so difficult to know what to advise people to do.

      OK, you gt them warm things to wear, and probably even a woolly had to wear inside (as famously John Major’s girlfriend advised), but I’ve tried sitting in the cold.

      And it is misery. Utter misery.

      I’m not in the house a great deal. How would it be if, when you got up in the morning, you sat in a chair watching tv or listening to the radio all day?

      I think it’s impossible to imagine. And with 6 or even 7 months of that ahead of you.

      I think you have to heat the rooms you are using and to hell with it.

      If I were in that situation, I think that’s what I’d do. and when I couldn’t pay the bill I’d dare them to cut me off and let me freeze to death while they counted their billions in profit.

      I wonder it the obscene profits they are making will “trickle down” to their employees…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. 1. Cancel your direct debit, immediately.

      2. Pay all gas and electricity bills as late as possible.

      3. Pay what you consider to be a fair amount, then call up your supplier(s) and tell them you’ve paid as much as you can and you need help.

      4. Make sure you inform them of any health conditions and disabilities anyone in your household has so they put you on their priority list (makes it more difficult / impossible to cut you off).

      5. Consider joining the Don’t Pay movement: URL dontpay.uk

      6. Good luck.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a very good idea to get on the priority list. There will be loads of people who won’t be able to pay, with the best will in the world, no matter what they do. So if you can find a way on to the priority list, that means that at least you won’t freeze to death.

        I see the government is now trying to spin that the action they have taken has taken ยฃ1000 off the average bill. And they seem to be expecting praise for this.



  15. Tomorrow,
    Electricity goes up 30% to 34p a kWhr

    Gas goes up 157% to 11p a kWhr.

    Add in the ยฃ300 a year subscription to be connected.

    The cost of gas is about a third of the electricity cost so using gas appears to be the cheaper way of heating but remeber you need to add the cost of running the pump if it’s a water based central heating system.

    Pity those on heating oil, lpg or fully electric, and living further north and west, the winter is coming.

    The ยฃ67 gift mean you can keep a 1 bar electric fire on for 6 hours a day for the month.
    That would maintain the temperature of a thousand cubic feet room if reasonably insulated. Most of normal houses have a living room about 3 times that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s still horrific.

      The thing is that they think they have sorted it… and maybe ยฃ2,500 is reasonable for a heating bill for the likes of Truss.

      It isn’t for the likes of a pensioner on basic pension. under ยฃ200 a week.


      1. That ยฃ67 is until April then your on your own, they’re hoping to get into the summer and demand falls again.

        I suppose they’ll go for a general election in June, wreck the indyref2 they hope.

        See griffiths has the same geography as truss, thinks the gas pipes that are in the Baltic are letting the gas out in the North Sea.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Just a matter of ‘poor’ luck that huge quantities of St. Clair gas, West of Shetland, is taken by gas tankers direct to englandland.
        Sold off to the gas turbine generators or sent onward to Europe, sold at world price.
        Then they charge you higher rates for electricity due to long transmission line losses caused by sending Scottish renewables to englandland, a return trip of hundreds of miles.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, that’s true. There are vast parts of the country where there in no gas service (unless you have Calor, which I’m assuming is ferociously expensive).


    1. This is fairly ridiculous in a nation – Scotland if anyone has noticed – that is pretty well energy independent and heading towards carbon neutral well ahead of most other nations.

      We are dragged down by our Southern neighbours because they can’t get their act together. Same as it ever was.

      And I have reason to believe that we are underpaid for the electricity and gas that they extract from our soil and seas, seeing it is theirs rather than ours, and I see it basically as extortion. I would far prefer that we sold them not a breath of gas nor a joule of electricity than play their game.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you refer to all that ‘EX-Regio’ oil and gas that the exchequer don’t know where it originates?
        Just the fairies lodge the cash in the bank.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aye, it’s owned by Britain… Great Global Britain, the world leader. So they don’t pay for it, any more than they pay for the water they get from Wales.


      3. After the Ukraine war is over, Douglas.

        Afterwards, we can’t cut off their gas and electricity legally because energy policy is reserved to Westminster.

        However โ€ฆ I have for long believed that the Scottish Government should constantly push the envelope. There are parliamentary restrictions on what can be regarded as within the SG’s competence, but nevertheless, they should try. Try harder. Much harder.

        Start behaving as if we were independent already, to hell with the opposition, and slam the ball into their own court. If They try to stop us, They have to highlight our grievances as well.

        Which would be all to the good.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. Liked by 1 person

    1. Click on link and scroll up to No 1, for a brilliant laugh and a frightening reminder of the fact that this is the British government he’s talking about and that it affects us too.

      Liked by 2 people

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