A-Z of Travel Writing Tips: E is for Edit and Entertain

Travel Writing E is for Editing and Entertain

Travel Writing Tips

Travel Writing Tips

Being an prolific and effective travel writer can be overwhelming, so I’ve put together this series of A-Z Travel Writing Tips.

Each article provides a concise list of prompts from A to Z, which provides your travel writing the TLC it needs. We cycle through all letters in the alphabet in turn, and provide links to additional resources and examples of how to implements each tip.

See the grid at the bottom of this post to view other letters in the series.


In this edition of our A-Z travel writing tips we’re looking at Edit and Entertain.

E is for
is for Edit what you write

Just because every single thing you did on your trip was interesting to you, doesn’t meant it’ll be interesting to your reader. Instead, try editing your experience so you’re using a couple of strong examples to illustrate your travel article.

Write the first draft of your chapter or article and then set it aside to mature. When you go back to it after a break, you’ll be reading it with a fresh set of eyes. If you device or computer has text to speak, listen to your article. This is a great way to identify what sections don’t flow effortlessly.

Rereading and listening to your article after a break helps you to spot what sections need more or less explanation. You’ll spot where you’re repeating yourself or have redundant sentences. These can bloat your word count, without adding any value or benefit to your story. Make every word count.

E is for
is for Entertain

Your articles and books need to inform, inspire, or educate, but no matter what role your writing plays, it always needs to entertain your reader. Recounting lots of facts and information will educate your readers and inform them of all the details around your travel adventures, but if your writing doesn’t entertain them as well, they may lose interest and stop reading. 

One of the primary ways to entertain your reader is to include stories and anecdotes that illustrate the points you’re trying to make, or atmosphere or feeling you’re trying to convey.

E is for ... ? Find out what prompts will improve your #travelwriting. This list includes prompts that will help you become a better writer or #travelblogger who is #amwriting Click To Tweet

Discover an alphabet’s worth of Travel Writing Tips

A is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

B is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

C is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

D is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

E is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

F is forRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

G is ForRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

Read the Article

Listen to the Podcast

A-Z Travel Writing IRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

A-Z Travel Writing Letter JRead the Article

Listen to the Podcast

Z >< >< >< ><


Author: Jay Artale

Focused on helping travel bloggers and writers achieve their self-publishing goals. Owner of Birds of a Feather Press. Travel Writer. Nonfiction Author. Project Manager Specialising in Content Marketing and Social Media Strategy.

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