DUBAI my new “HOME”

The huge journey , started from a dream…Being originaly from Beirut, Lebanon , that amazing tiny place on this very large planet makes me smile just saying it or even thinking about it. Its simple streets, vintage buildings, and the most down to earth people.

Two years ago  I visited Dubai , that “CRAZY” city some people described , and “MAGICAL” said others.For me , it was love at first sight! My first day was literally crazy, all I can say to people who did not visit Dubai yet is you are missing out on a alot. In this city, you feel pampared to the highest level, everything is simply easy, fast and LUXURIOUS.

Luxury is the main  reason I dreamed about a future in Dubai & fashion is luxury’s eldest baby & is the future name for my eldest son “just kidding” , I decided after 6 years of experience in the most wonderful well known BOUTIQUE in Beirut, “PIAFF” to leave and chase a new dream in Dubai. Packed my bags, my dreams and “Putchi” (will reveal who is Putchi  in my coming posts) and came to Dubai.


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