King Messiah the Original light of Creation – The Spirit of God over the Waters – The Word

Ancient Rabbis confirm a pre-existent King Messiah who was with God from the beginning, as the original light & Spirit of God over the waters

Vayikra Rabbah 14:1
For the opinion of Reish Lakish, there is the verse: [Genesis 1:2]
“And the spirit of God wavered upon the water” – that is the spirit of the king messiah

Baal HaTurim on Genesis 1:2:2
And the spirit of God was hovering: has a numerical equivalent of spirit of messiah.

Rabbeinu Bahya, Bereshit 1:2:5
Finally, the words THE SPIRIT OF GOD refer to the spirit of the Messiah.”

Bnei Yissaschar, Iyar 3:2:1
It is as our Sages said “And God said, let there be light…” this refers to the light of the King Messiah

Ner Mitzvah, Volume I 10
And also Yisrael, as it’s written in the verse: “And the LORD said Let there be light etc..”, and this is the light of the Messiah.

Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Torah Shebikhtav, Chayei Sara, Torah Ohr 28
When G—d said: “Let there be light,” the light in question is the original light which was hidden pending the arrival of the Messiah.

Or HaChaim on Genesis 1 : 1 :6 1
G’d decreed that this light shall remain hidden until it will be revealed by the Messiah. In the interval until then it will remain hidden like a treasure.

The Rabbis realized the sun was only made on day 4 in Genesis. So what was producing the first light, what light was creating morning and evening for the first 3 days?
It was the Spirit of God, the Word itself, the Messiah – its amazing that Rabbis even admit Messiah is God, because he is the Spirit of God – just like Christianity said.


Hosha‘ya said: “In the future Jerusalem will be a lantern for the nations of the world, and they will walk in her light….” In Thy light do we see light (Ps. 36:10).

This is the light of the Messiah, as it is written, And God saw the light that it was good (Gen. 1:4).

This teaches us that the Holy One, blessed be He, saw the generation of the Messiah and its deeds prior to the creation of the world. And He hid the light for the Messiah and his generation under His Throne of Glory.
Satan said before the Holy One, blessed be He: “Master of the World! The light which is hidden under Your Throne of Glory, for whom is it [destined]?” He said to him: “For him who will turn you back and disgrace you, and shame your face.” He said to him: “Master of the world! Show him to me!” He said to him: “Come and see him!” When Satan SAW THE MESSIAH, he trembled and fell upon his face and said: “Surely this is the Messiah who in the future will cast me and all the princes of the nations of the world into Gehenna….” [When He created the Messiah], the Holy One, blessed be He, began to tell him the conditions [of his future mission], and said to him: “Those who are hidden with you [your generation], their sins will in the future force you into an iron yoke, and they will render you like unto a calf whose eyes have grown dim, and they will choke your spirit with the yoke, and because of their sins your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth (Psalm 22:15). Do you accept this?….“Master of the Worlds! With gladness in my soul and with joy in my heart I accept it, so that not a single one of Israel should perish (Pes. Rab. pp. 161a-b)

Sukkah 52a:3
It goes well according to him who explains that the cause is the slaying of Messiah… “And they shall look upon me because they have thrust him through (Zech 12:10)

Here is the SPIRIT OF GOD on the waters as found in Genesis… he is the Messiah in the form of a man

Daniel 12:6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was on the waters of the river

So Jews have a pre-existent Messiah over the waters, which is the Spirit of God, the original light, who is alive and accepted his destiny to suffer for sins even before his birth and then is slain – that is Christianity and yet its coming from the mouth of Ancient Jewish Rabbis.

Job 9:8 (God) walketh upon the waves of the sea.


Matthew 14:26 the disciples saw him (Jesus) walking on the sea


Apostle John was right when he said…

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (THE KING MESSIAH/SPIRIT OF GOD OVER THE WATERS), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light (THE ORIGINAL LIGHT OF CREATION) shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it…The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world….We have seen his glory (THE SHEKINAH), the glory of the one and only Son

Revelation 21:23 The city has no need of the sun…the Lamb (Messiah) is its lamp (menorah)

Here are a few Rabbinic sources to show Christianity is in complete agreement with ancient Judaism and the truth of a pre-existent Messiah, who is the Word/the Shekinah/the Light/the Glory of God

Twice now God has lowered himself onto a tree and been pierced.

We learn from the Rabbis that the burning Bush was a tree of affliction, the lowest of all trees, 👉a thorn bush.
Because God wanted to partake in the affliction of his people in Egypt.

As the Rabbis wrote in…
Midrash Tanchuma Buber, Shemot 12:3
Why from the midst of a
and not from the midst of another tree? The Holy One said (in Ps.
91:15): I WILL BE WITH HIM IN DISTRESS. Now they (the Israelites)
were placed in the
👉thorns of slavery; so shall I be revealed from the midst of another tree? Therefore, I was revealed (in Exod. 3:2):
👉THORN BUSH, because it is all
👉 thorns.

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 40:1
bush was (an emblem of)
👉grief and
👉distress, and it was full of
👉thorns and thistles. Why did He abide in the midst of the
👉thorn-bush which was (an emblem of) grief and distress? Because He saw Israel in great grief and
👉He also dwelt with them, thus fulfilling that which is said, “In all their affliction He was afflicted” (Isa. 63:9).

A tree of thorns that pierces your flesh, does that sound familiar? That is the crown of thorns that Yeshua wore as he hung on a tree of distress that pierced and afflicted his flesh, just as God had descended onto a thorn bush, a tree of piercing, affliction and distress to share in the suffering of his people.

Isaiah 53:5
But he was 👉pierced for our transgressions

Zechariah 12:10
I will pour on David’s house, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they will look to me whom they have 👉pierced

Psalms 22:16
They have 👉pierced my hands and feet.

Yes he was pierced on a tree of affliction, a thorn bush, when he came down to save his people in Egypt, so that you would recognize him, when he came down the second time and was again pierced with a tree of thorns and affliction, to save his people.

The Begotten Son in Judaism

The Lesser YAHWEH

The Lesser Yahweh

Messiah will be rejected by Jews according to the Rabbis

Judaism divides the Messiah into TWO MESSIAHS (Ben Joseph and ben David) to hide the fact that the same Messiah who is killed is the same one who is given length of days to rule forever

Messiah ben Joseph (Yeshua had an adopted father named Joseph)

Isaiah 53 according to the Ancient Rabbis is about the Messiah

The Two Comings of the Messiah

Trinity in Judaism

While we do not support Kabbalah, the general concept of the Jewish emanations of God are closely related with the Christian view of God’s divisions of 3 (heads) and 7 (Spirits/ Qualities)

While the above portrays the Son to the Side, the Zohar rather says the Son is the Middle pillar

Light itself is a witness to the Divisions of the true God, being 1 and 3 and 7
1 John 1:5 says “God is light”, thus we should expect God to have the same divisions as light and we find exactly those divisions only for the Biblical God.

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