Week Ending 1/2/21

Happy New Year…………………………………………………………

As always, first the chronology:

12/27/20 – Sunday – Up a little late today.  Kathy was back in bed for a nap when I got up.  Usual thing and downstairs to do the blog.  Heard Kathy stir so went upstairs and had lunch.  Then out for errands.  Frank’s Meat Market for Knackwurst, Kielbasa, Saurkraut and some tomatoes.  Took the cooler so we could keep things cool.  Then up to Homedepot for some tool bags I wanted and a stop at Michael’s for Kathy.  Stopped to get the salt washed off the truck on the way home.  Unloaded things and took a nap.  Up and did burgers and dogs on the grill for dinner.  Usual evening routine.

12/28/20 – Monday – Up a little early today.  Chores around the house.  Gathered tools and material while Kathy went to the dentist.  Had lunch after she came home and went up to Mike and Julie’s to do some chores.  Home and put the truck away.  Did some research on the internet for some material.  Dinner, played radio and to bed.

12/29/20 – Tuesday – Up a little early.  Some chores then a lot of research finding the connectors I want then ordering them.  Played radio.  Kathy was out for a pedicure and some shopping at Walmart.  She was running late so I made myself a light lunch.  More radio play.  Kathy came home so I helped her unload things.  Was looking through some statements and found the bank had deposited a little over $2000 of my money in the wrong account.  Made a call to them to get that straightened out.  Took a short nap.  Dinner, more radio play, bed, research and sleep.

12/30/20 – Wednesday – Up at the usual time.  Kathy was up and gone early this morning.  Seems she had a problem with her eye and didn’t wake me.  She went to the Norton Hospital ER to have them look at it.  She stopped a Julie’s when she got out around 6AM.  Julie stayed home to take care of the kids so Kathy could come home and rest.  Seems she has a corneal abrasion.  So, she rested most of the day and we got her an appointment with a doctor tomorrow.  I took her out to Mexican for dinner.  The guy from Morris Electric came today to do the routine maintenance on the Generac generator.  

12/31/20 – Thursday – Up extremely early this morning, Need to learn how to shut my brain off.  Kathy was up early and out to watch the grand children.  I went over around 8AM to watch them while Kathy went for an eye doctor appointment.  Home and had a snack.  Did some banking and then a nap for an hour and 1/2.  Up and another snack and downstairs to play radio till Kathy came home.  Upstairs and helped cook dinner, ate and downstairs.  Usual routine and upstairs for the usual routine.

1/1/21 – Friday – Up at the usual time.  Nothing special today.  Helped Kathy prepare our sauerkraut, pork and Knackwurst dinner for this evening with mashed potatoes.  Spent the majority of the day taking down Christmas decorations and playing radio.

1/2/21 – Saturday – Up at the usual time.  Out to move the lawn tractor and get to the golf cart.  Hauled Christmas decorations upstairs to be put away.  Setup a large monitor for tomorrow when the guys come over so I can show them how to do digital modes.  Helped Kathy with some things.  Had left over sauerkraut and Knackwurst for supper.  Usual evening things.

Now the specifics:

New Years came and went without any celebration. I think I was in bed by 9:30PM and asleep by 10PM. Woke up around midnight from all the fireworks and gun play around the county. No one was killed or wounded this year from friendly fire so that was good.

Earlier this week we made a trip over to Franks Meat Market. They are on Preston highway near the airport. A great deli and unusual selection of meats. Seems most places don’t carry knackwurst but I can get it at Franks. Also picked up some sauerkraut. Kathy started the crock pot early on Friday and of course put her pork in it. Then an hour before we ate she put in my knackwurst. Whipped up some mashed potatoes (actually she microwaved some Bob Evan’s mashed potatoes) and we had a great dinner.

Monday I spent some time over at Mike and Julie’s. With Mike working so many hours because of COVID-19 he hasn’t had time to do much around the house so I go over and do minor things like replace light bulbs and hang things for the kids. They change there mind every 10 minutes so that’s a unique challenge.

Early in December I noticed a yellow light on the Generac. That usually means the maintenance is overdue. So I called and they scheduled it for last Wednesday. The guy that usual does it for me came and took care of things. Of course I found out the service plan had expired so I had to re-do that. $675 for 5 years wasn’t bad. They come out once a year, change the oil and filter and do an inspection. One less thing I have to do.

Tuesday night/Wednesday morning Kathy’s eye started bothering her. She didn’t bother to wake me and drove herself to the emergency room. I told her I thought that was a bad idea and she should wake me the next time. Anyway, turned out to be a corneal abrasion. No idea how it happened. Prescribed some antibiotics and all is good now. Well, she’s not suppose to wear her contacts for 2 weeks. We’ll see if that lasts.

Thursday Kathy had an appointment with the doctor about her eye so I had to go up and sit the grand kids. Easy job this time, no school and they were all still in bed till after I was gone. Should be that easy every time.

Well my friend Gary had been interested in seeing what digital modes are all about relative to HAM radio. So I offered to host the Sunday afternoon get together this week. Spent a good part of the day Saturday getting the golf cart out so I can pick him up at the car and bring him around back of the house to where the HAM shack is. Kathy is making goodies for us. Should be an interesting day.


It may or may not be disappointing to some people to know that I have decided to leave this blog thing. I am sick and tired of the constant criticisms and remarks about things that have nothing to do with anyone else but me. I am disappointed in several readers………

Okay… So I like dressing-up in rubber clothes. So what? And, my culinary tastes might seem strange to some people…. but I have particular liking for cucumbers. Which brings me to the matter of my sexual preferences, which I know might seem strange to some people, but group sex with dwarfs, adult little people, and pygmies is only a ‘small’ perversion compared to the other matter…. And the magistrate was particularly understand when I explained that running naked through our local park wearing crotch less fluffy underwear on my head and brandishing a dildo in each hand is an ancient pagan custom and ….

Oh shit !!!! Wrong blog !

Please ignore all of the above.

Pinched from someone else’s page and thought it might make a few of us giggle.

That’s it for this week. Hope you had a little chuckle. As always, hope this finds everyone safe and healthy. Stay that way. Stay tuned, I will give you and update on my attitude toward the vaccine after I see what it does to my son-in-law. Blog at you again next week.

One thought on “Week Ending 1/2/21

  1. Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 is better than 2020! We all need a big break. Don’t you dare discontinue the blog. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the happenings of the Pressler and related households!


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