CRM for Medical Industry

Today the Medical Industry becomes one big ecosystem, catering to the various requirements of the consumers. In this new methodical approach, it puts the clients to ease; understanding perfectly that this is one industry, where the clients need to be handled sensitively with appropriate psychological support as and when the need be.

The Challenges for eCRM for Medical Industry

With increased requirements for record keeping, maintaining trails for compliances and insurances, this industry today faces a few big challenges.

  • Maintaining accurate records
  • Assuring privacy of data
  • Co-ordinating prompt and relevant treatment and care plans
  • Balancing cost-effectiveness


The Changing Scenario of the Medical Industry

Keeping the expectations of the clients for this industry in mind, the Customer Relationship Management software designed for medical industry needs to adjust to the changing face of the medical industry and keep up the pace with the demands of this industry.

Putting Technology to Meaningful use

A range of treatment plans and procedures need to be converged onto one platform. The consumers demand a transparent system which gives them an insight into the available facilities and plans for their healthcare. New age technologies make it possible for consumers to use a variety of devices and gadgets to keep connected to the matters related to their health. Self-service tools aid the consumers to use the system as per their needs.

Having Better Communications for Better Health

A concern for health comes with its own challenges and anxieties. A good medical CRM software recognizes this and maintains communications to provide suggestions and guidelines to support and encourage the consumer through personalized efforts.

Availability 24 * 7

Clinicians, caregivers and patients need to be in sync with each other 24* 7. A mature Customer Relationship Management for medical industry provisions for effective ways of communication, be it methods of personal communication in form of emails, reminder emails or even social media.

Internet of Things is a Reality

The medical industry recognizes the powers of IoT and puts this innovative way of using devices and technology to use. IoT peeps into medical eCRM through data sources like health monitors, fitness bands, smartphones, smartwatches and other wearables. IoT uses innovative methods to help clinicians and patients have health critical information at the tip of their fingers by integrating these smart gadgets further to the workflows

Medical eCRM Software Offer Useful Facilities to Patients

  • Offers a robust data storage platform to preserve sensitive patient data complying with various norms like HIPPA, Protected Health Insurance and the like using apt Document Management procedures.
  • An intelligent Contact Management helps personalize the services by offering tips, reminders for timely avail of services like tests or even suggestions for preventive actions by intelligently combining clinical history.
  • Communications for Wellness Programs, Medical Inspections or Health Drives is interwoven into the system and communicated well in time to the probable users.
  • Appointment Planners are an integral part of this niche eCRM, guiding patients to plan and manage their tests and consultations with ease. The same planner informs the concerned medical person, be it a doctor or a paramedic as well.
  • A medical Tariff Management could be in place with this software to keep a tab on the various services used by the patrons and their budgets.
  • Automated Billing systems make check outs after visits to facilities like pathologists and hospitals, hassle free.
  • A secure data repository of the various activities, sharable amongst stakeholders and partners is made available.
  • Feedbacks and alerts related to the type of feedback are a very important part of the medical eCRM.

Customer Relationship Management for Healthcare & Medical Domains

The quality of services provided to the patients is as important as the services provided to a consumer of any other industry. The CRM system for medical industry can gauge the behavior changes and issues related to the lifestyles of the patients, thus charting out relevant treatment plans.

Further integration with hospitals and insurance agencies makes the process easier to deal with. This eCRM regulates the administrative tasks and increases the operational efficiency, offering better quality of customer engagement.

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