Meet Lexi from Shattered Identity by K. Dawn Byrd

K. Dawn Byrd is back with her latest YA inspirational romance, Shattered Identity. Let’s meet Lexi, the leading lady.

Tell us about yourself, Lexi.
I’ve been told I’m beautiful, especially by the guys. Oh, I’m great in math. I’m so good that my teacher has asked me to tutor other students who aren’t getting it. I only tutor hot guys though.

What do you like to do in your spare time? And what things do you avoid?
I hang out with my new boyfriend, Zack. My mom wouldn’t exactly approve because I’m 19 and he’s 25, so I haven’t told her about him. Maybe one day.

Eden used to ask me to go to church with her. I went a couple of times, but it wasn’t my thing. Now, Jeremy is bugging me about church. We can’t even have a conversation without him bringing it up. Just give it a rest, people!

What’s your biggest fear?
Rejection. I guess it goes back to when my dad left Mom and me. I felt rejected and still do since I never get to see him. I can’t stand feeling that way. That’s why I tried to take Eden’s boyfriend away from her. I knew he wanted her instead of me and I couldn’t take the rejection.

What’s your dream life, Lexi?
I want to go to college, get married, and have a couple of kids one day. Right now, I can’t trust my mom to stay sober, so I have no immediate plans for college. I feel like my life is on hold.

Any regrets?
I would change the fact that sometimes I do things without thinking about the consequences and people I care about get hurt. If I’d really thought it through, I never would have gone after Eden’s boyfriend. That cost us our friendship and I miss her.

Blurb for Shattered Identity:
Lexi Branson thinks she’s found the guy of her dreams. So what if he’s older? Her new motto is, “Love knows no boundaries or age limits.” Zack Bane loves her and treats her like a princess and that’s all that matters.

Lexi soons discovers that she doesn’t know Zack as well as she thought. He has secrets, the kind that shatter the lives of those who love him. When faced with the truth, Lexi tries to hang onto him because she has a secret of her own.

When Lexi ends up in danger, she discovers she has no one to turn to except her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy. Can Jeremey, who is still in love with her, keep her safe from Zack? When faced with a choice will Lexi choose to stay with the guy who has become a stranger or will she choose Jeremy, the guy who loves her with all his heart?

K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational romance and avid blogger who gives away several books per week on her blog at, most of which are signed by the authors. She’s also the moderator of the popular facebook Christian Fiction Gathering group at!/group.php?gid=128209963444. 

When not reading or writing, K. Dawn Byrd enjoys spending time with her husband of 16 years while walking their dogs beside a gorgeous lake near her home and plotting the next story waiting to be told.

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