The Trump Bible

Trump's Photo-Op of Faith

Serial adulterer and convicted sexual abuser Donald Trump, who lied 30,573 times while he was in the White House, will sell you a Bible for $59.99. Not just any Bible, but one emblazoned with the lyrics of a song written and recorded by Melvin Lee Greenwood, “God Bless the USA,” and padded out with our county’s public domain founding documents. Perhaps copies will replace the Gideon versions in Trump Hotel nightstands.

Bible salesman Trump is running for the presidency of the United States, and he plays Mr, Greenwood’s patriotic 1984 recording at all his campaign rallies, right after The Village People’s “YMCA,” a paean to gay culture.

Donald Trump is known for flourishing the Bible in front of houses of worship while violently stifling public assemblies, and fumbling Biblical references in front of Christian college students. He is running for president against faithful churchgoer Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

“The Bible Salesman,” written by Billy Vera and Chip Taylor, recorded by Billy Vera, 1969.


“What to Know About Donald Trump’s New $60 Bible,” Inae Oh, Mother Jones

“What is the ‘God Bless the USA Bible’? The $60 Bible Trump and Lee Greenwood are selling,” Mary Walrath-Holdridge, USA Today

“All Copies of Trump’s Bible Recalled After It Was Found to Contain Nuclear Codes,” The Borowitz Report

“Trump has sold $60 Bibles, $399 sneakers and more since leaving office,” Amy B Wang and Marianne LeVine, Washington Post


“The Church of Trump: How He’s Infusing Christianity Into His Movement,” Michael C. Bender, New York Times

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Image by Mike Licht. Download a copy here. Creative Commons license; credit Mike Licht,

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