Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung

Radiant Office is a slice of life story about a marketing director (Ha Suk Jin) and a rookie office worker (Go Ah Sung) at a furniture company. After a failed suicide attempt by the rookie, she discovers she may be terminally ill and decides to live life to the fullest at her new job.

Radiant Office was solid and enjoyable and was just my kind of office drama! After recently having a disappointing experience with another office drama, Chief Kim, I was a bit hesitant to jump into another one.

But my fears were for naught as Radiant Office contained just the elements I like in this genre of drama. It’s very much a slice of life story that deals with issues many people face while trying to find a job as well as keep one. It mixes in touching stories of the workers struggles with comedic elements.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Go Ah Sung

Go Ah Sung plays our rookie office worker Eun Ho Won. After struggling to find a job for so long, she hits rock bottom. But then after learning she may be terminally ill, she lands a job at a top furniture company.

And she does what she can to embrace the opportunity and be a good worker. I found Go Ah Sung to be so down to earth and relatable with this adorable charm. I really loved her character and was always rooting for.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin

Ha Suk Jin plays Seo Woo Jin, a marketing director at the company. He’s arrogant and demanding and gets off on the wrong foot with Ho Won. But of course, underneath that gruff exterior is a very warmhearted man. Ha Suk Jin plays roles like this perfectly. He’s always so convincing playing a jerk, but then he just warms you right up as you get to know him.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung

Woo Jin and Ho Won were a very sweet couple. The romance is very subtle though, so don’t go in expecting much. Their relationship has a very slow and natural progression. They begin as enemies then move to a thoughtful friendship and finally to a sweet romantic relationship. I really enjoyed their thoughtful conversations as well as the small romantic gestures between the two towards the end of the drama.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Go Ah Sung Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin

The drama connected me with the characters on an emotional level right from the first episode. I immediately felt their plight and their pain. This sort of connection is very important for me in a drama like this.

Office and business dramas are not a favorite genre of mine, so in order to get through some of the more boring office politics, I must be invested in the main characters. And this drama did have it’s share of office politics, but because I enjoyed the characters so much, I even found myself somewhat interested in it.

Which brings me to the supporting characters. The other office workers did what they were supposed to do by adding humor as well additional heartwarming moments to connect with them.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Lee Dong Hwi Radiant Office Korean Drama - Hoya

Ki Taek (Lee Dong Hwi) and Kang Ho (Hoya) are fellow workers and friends of Ho Won. Ki Taek struggles while working in the same office as his ex-girlfriend who recently dumped him. Kang Ho’s timid personality has made finding a job difficult, and when he finally gets one, he needs to do what he can to keep it.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Go Ah Sung, Hoya, Lee Dong Hwi

These three friends bond over their shared struggles and then become very supportive friends to each other. I really enjoyed the camaraderie between the three and found their friendship very refreshing.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Kwon Ha Hyo Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Sun Hwa and Kim Byung Chun
Radiant Office Korean Drama - Oh Dae Hwan, Jang Shin Young, and Kim Hee Chan Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung

The other office workers tend to create obstacles for our main trio, but they also have their own stories to give them a little depth. They also add in some nice humor to really compliment the story.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Kim Dong Wook

Then there’s Seo Hyun (Kim Dong Wook) who is a doctor that helps Ho Won early on and sort of befriends her. But he has some secrets that make you wonder just what his motives are.

It would have been nice if the drama had explored a few stories more in depth. There are several small plot lines that are introduced but then don’t get much attention. The last couple episodes also felt a bit rushed and messy. But these were minor complaints for me.

Radiant Office Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung

The drama deals with several issues facing people in the workforce as well as a variety of personal issues. They are all handled in a very realistic way that just further enhanced the development of the characters.

There’s nothing really exceptional about Radiant Office, but it’s simply a good solid drama. By delivering compelling characters that are easy to root for, I found myself very invested in their lives. It was heartwarming and humorous which brought a nice balance to the office happenings. Overall, Radiant Office was more than enjoyable.

My Rating: 7/10

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20 responses to “Radiant Office Korean Drama Review”

  1. booksmashed Avatar

    I need to catch up on this drama. I think I have 2 1/2 episodes left

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      Since you don’t have to much left, you should definitely finish it up. I thought the last couple episodes felt a little all over the place, but I still really enjoyed it as a whole 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    I think I’ll give this a try. I like a good office drama every now and then.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      It was definitely good for a slice of life office drama. It has some issues, but the characters are great and very enjoyable to watch 🙂


  3. libraryofthoughts Avatar

    It was a 5/10 for me. It had so much plot holes that it felt like a let down when it ended. If they had added more to the story, not more episodes, it would have been better. Which sucks, because the the trio was really sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      It definitely had a few plot holes. That made the end feel a bit messy and rushed. I was actually thinking it would be nice if they had a couple more episodes to really work some of those things out. But I think I enjoyed the characters so much that the problems didn’t bother me too much. Sorry it felt like a let down for you 😦


      1. libraryofthoughts Avatar

        The characters were good, but they weren’t my favorite. I only watched it since it seemed like the two main guys were reuniting the Reply Me/ Answer Me series (A show that absolutely loved!).

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yeah, I was really interested to see the Reply guys come together too. I would have liked to have seen more of them, but I did enjoy their friendship 🙂


  4. KJT (aka kjtamuser) Avatar

    Good term “slice of life drama”. I was surprised how satisfying the subtle romance was. They were sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      It always surprises me too how sometimes a very subtle romance can be very fulfilling. I felt like the drama developed their friendship well which made the romance a sort of added bonus 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. honeycrunch321 Avatar

    I will give this one a try to… I’m looking for a finished drama to watch 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      I hope you enjoy it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. junny Avatar

    I quite liked this drama, though I was a late arrival (only caught on at ep 10). Ha Suk-jin and Go Ah-sung had lovely chemistry and I thought most of the secondary characters were pretty well fleshed out. Hyun’s exit was badly handled, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yay! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I really liked the chemistry between between Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung too. It was so comfortable and friendly and then moved to sweetly romantic. They were great.

      And I was pleased with the secondary characters too. They really helped round out the drama. I also agree about Hyun’s bad exit. The drama had a few issues, but luckily it won me over for the most part 🙂


  7. raistlin0903 Avatar

    If there is one thing I like in pretty much anything I watch inbouw great characters. If that is also mixed with a heartwarming tale, count me in. This series and the way you are describing it sounds like a feel good drama, and I always like those. I might give this one a go, or at least watch the pilot episode to see if it is to my liking. Great review as always 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      I did find it to be a pretty feel good drama. Very slice of life with very endearing characters. I think the trailers made it seem more comical than it is. Of course, there is plenty of humor, but I wouldn’t call it a comedy. But yes, very heartwarming and enjoyable 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Korean Drama Update for May 2017 | Kdrama Kisses Avatar

    […] There’s nothing really exceptional about Radiant Office, but it’s simply a good solid drama. By delivering compelling characters that are easy to root for, I found myself very invested in their lives. It was heartwarming and humorous which brought a nice balance to the office happenings. Overall, Radiant Office was more than enjoyable. (Radiant Office Review) […]


  9. Best Korean Dramas of 2017 | Kdrama Kisses Avatar

    […] There’s nothing really exceptional about Radiant Office, but it’s simply a good solid drama. By delivering compelling characters that are easy to root for, I found myself very invested in their lives. It was heartwarming and humorous which brought a nice balance to the office happenings. Overall, Radiant Office was a very nice watch. My Rating: 7/10 (Radiant Office Review) […]


  10. Marlene Avatar

    It was a good drama, I like the story of Ho Won and Wo Jin, so subtle, nothing is force in their relationship, very natural and yet so sweet. Ki Tak, Kang Ho and Ho Won friendship is also a good one, and was put under the test when Kang Ho threw Ho Won under the bus during the interrogation about office corruption with the Sales Chief.
    A really slice of an office life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oh yes, it was a really great example of an office slice of life drama. Slice of life isn’t my favorite genre, but this one really got it right with just the right balance of elements. Loved the friendships and the subtle but sweet romantic relationship. Such memorable characters really made for a great drama 🙂


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