Google Cardboard

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Cardboard cardboard

I recently purchased a Google Cardboard even-though my expectations for this little cardboard gadget were far from high. But to my amazement my pre-perceived ideas turned out to be completely wrong.

The item ships as a flat cardboard envelope, which you simply open, tear off some indicated bits and then fold as instructed to form the headset (I did have to use a bit of tape to get it to hold together). There are 2 lenses, 2 strips of Velcro and some magnets already fitted on the cardboard, so very little assembly is actually required.

After the headset is folded your phone can be placed into the front of the headset, which then acts as the screen.


The Google Cardboard utilises the phone to run its apps as well as utilising its accelerometers and gyroscopes for head tracking.

Various apps are available that utilises the headset on the Google Play Store and even on the Apple App Store. I used my iPhone with the headset and it worked perfectly except for the slide magnet button that can be utilised with Android phones on the side of the headset, which did nothing with the iPhone.

Just note that although the Apple App Store has very little in the line of Google Cardboard specific apps, all FIBRUM VR apps work perfectly with the Cardboard headset.

The headset provides a true stereoscopic 3D effect, which is amazing given that it is simply a piece of cardboard with 2 lenses. Additionally the head tracking is truly surprising! And is far more accurate than I could have ever expected.

The best apps that I tried using my iPhone were:

  • Sisters (this is a first person horror experience)
  • War Of Words (this is a graphic representation of Siegfried Sassoon poem “The Kiss” based in World War 1)
  • FIBRUM Crazy Swing VR (A VR Swing-chair theme park ride)
  • FIBRUM Roller Coaster VR (A VR Roller Coaster)

For the price Google Cardboard is truly remarkable and is the cheapest way to experience stereoscopic 3D at your home.

I highly recommend picking up a Google Cardboard, there are very few things that can provide so much entertainment for such a small price.

Google Cardboard

3 thoughts on “Google Cardboard

  1. jmcloete says:

    Awesome article. I was surprise by how little people were aware of this.
    Definitely the best R100 (or $8) I have spent in a long time.

    Other applications that really are a must see:
    – Google Cardboard Application: good place to start, especially windy day.
    – VRSE: app through which you download 3D surround, movie experiences.
    – Orbulus: travel to photospheres around the world
    – Caaaaaaaaaardboard: exhilarating game where are falling and need to try to and avoid obstacles.

    Liked by 2 people

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