I play the drums, and the guitar. I compose and produce music. I edit podcasts. I also write novels. I probably sound quite annoying, but I’m not (really).


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No, this isn’t some announcement that it’ll be out in a few weeks, or even days. It’s out NOW.

Only on Kindle for the time being, but that’s the way we roll in 2024.

Imagine this. You’re at university, and you befriend some slightly unhinged but brilliant science student. You get to know them, and after a few months they confide that they’re trying to build a time machine. You’ve had a bit to drink and smoke, so instead of sardonically saying, “Yeah, right”, you exclaim, “Yeeeahh! That sounds rad! If you need someone to test it out, count me in!”

They take you seriously. Half a year later, they say: it’s time. They take you into their darkened room, where a giant network of flashing lights and pulsing electro-magnetic fields takes up almost the entire room. They say earnestly: “Jump through the field. It might not work, but have a go.” Emboldened by booze, you jump.

You come clattering through the other side, and bump your head on their wardrobe.

It didn’t work.

But what if it did?

Cut to: twenty-three years later. University is a distant memory. You’re getting on with your adult life. One day you receive a social media message from… yourself.

It worked. You’ve travelled twenty-two years into the future. You’re stuck in the middle of the wilderness somewhere. You need rescuing.

What now?

This is the predicament TV actress Ash Darwen finds herself in, in Flipping Dimensions. She initially dismisses it as a scam, but then the sender mentions Molly… Molly, that unhinged university scientist friend that she fell out with, all those years ago.

Molly is the only one that can untangle this mess. But where the hell is she?

Tricky stuff. But Ash hasn’t even reached the really tricky part yet…

Flipping Dimensions is a comic thriller with a twist of sci-fi, a time travel novel for anyone who gets really irritated by time travel novels, and an epic story of revenge and ambition that takes us to such far-flung places as Florida, Zürich, London, Braintree, Sunderland and Middlesbrough…




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