
An Early Start

I’m a creature of habit. Each day, I sit down in front of my computer and I have a list of ‘chores’ I do before  I allow myself the privilege to write. Some days, these ‘chores’ take so long that the writing never materializes. Maybe not a great way to go about my day…but I do have a sense of accomplishment when I have these ‘chores’ done. Throw in a bit of household chores like laundry, dishes, and cleaning…and yes, some days I even cook…and writing starts to take a seat on the back burner.retro-1291608__180

Every now and again, I have something that I have floating around in my head and I have to get it down on my computer. It drives me crazy until I do…and I love this kind of writing…those kind of days. The words come fast and furious and need very little editing, (in my humble opinion) and it’s usually pretty good. These days usually start fairly early in the morning because I can’t sleep until I get all those thoughts out of my head and through my fingers. If you are a writer, you understand what I’m saying. keyboard-621830__180

So now what do I do? The last few chapters came to me while I was waiting for my husband and daughter in the local grocery store. I love to sit in the parking lot and people watch. I’ve mentioned this before. So, the ending chapters were there…and my computer was not. For two days now those visions have been running through my mind…and I haven’t had a chance to put them to use. So, this morning I was up at 3:30 am. Do I have my list of ‘chores’ finished? You bet I do! Now it’s just before 7:00 am…those visions are pounding to get out. I think it’s going to be a great day! I pray your’s is as well! Happy Monday!


2 thoughts on “An Early Start”

  1. We always had a ‘last day of school picnic’, then the first thing we’d do when getting home is take off our shoes. And they wouldn’t go back on (except for Sunday’s and occasional trips to a big town) until school started again. We limped around the first week…but after tht we could run across boulders!! What good memories!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, going barefoot was always a summer joy. Those trips we made to the swimming pool were over a mile long and we walked barefoot…hopping from lawn to lawn so our feet wouldn’t get burned on the pavement. The things we use to do!


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