
December 2020-

So I’m in grad school, and I took a break from this project for the semester. But I kept writing and I’m still willing to keep collaborating with artists to create the stories of what we’ve gone through this year. If anything to look back on this time and remember what it was like. Hit me up if you’re interested in collaborating.

What is Agua-0-Plays?
A series of plays written about the weird stuff happening on zoom, skype, facetime….all of these weird online platforms during the COVID-19 quarantine.

What’s an Agua-0?
Well an aguacero is a big rainstorm. But I’m calling this Agua-0 because I am going to keep creating these until there are zero cases of Coronavirus in the United States. And we can SAFELY come out of quarantine.

How Can You Help?
Each video has a Venmo handle. @agua-0-plays. Donate there and comment with the video you saw. I’ll split the funds between the artists who helped me bring these stories to life. Or just watch, enjoy, and tell your friends. Also- scroll down and check out the list of organizations you should support in this time.

How Can you Contact me about it?
If you want to know more, or if you’re an artist who wants to get involved send me an email.

Organizations Doing the Work Right Now
Here’s a list of organizations out there fighting. They have not asked me to post here, I just have heard about the great things they’re doing. Some of them even helped me out at some point in my life/ career. If you have any suggestions to add to this list please email Donate, Volunteer, or help get the word out by sharing with friends.

For Those In Need Of Food:

Broad Street Ministry-

Community Foodbank of NJ-

Foodbank of New York-

Find your local Foodbank-

Those Fighting Racial Injustice
Black Lives Matter-

NAACP Legal Defense Fund-

Those Fighting for Immigrants and Unaccompanied Minors

The Young Center-

Those fighting to save arts and culture in Philadelphia
Save Philly Arts and Culture-

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