Tech Video games

Is VR Going To Go The Way Of 3D?

Is the VR hype the same as the 3D game craze?

E3 2016 has passed and amongst the arguments of who won, who lost, and who spent 5 hours only really showing 2 games, lies a deeper question that no one is really asking…

That is certainly a lot of VR games that don’t look… that good?


Now wait! Wait! We here at NT do not mind VR games. We have had experience playing them both with head sets we own and at various gaming expos and conventions. VR can make for interesting gameplay and a immersive environment, but… it seems like certain parts of the gaming industry is betting heavy bucks on the allure of VR.

Just like several years ago when 3D was the new frontier of the industry. You remember right? A lot of Sony’s games advertised 3D functionality, 3D tvs were marketed everywhere, 3D enabled glasses were even being advertised by Nvidia all over the web.

For a aspect that saw itself marketed all over at one point, it disappeared from the concious of gamers, save for Nintendo’s 3DS line. A device where many users readily admit they leave the 3D turned off. And to be honest it feels like VR might go that way.

The VR module for Sony’s PS4 is will cost $399 and has shown a few games for it. A few games that don’t really look that great. Yes that Resident Evil trailer looked impressive and we will for sure see every let’s player providing the jump scares that the Internet seems to love. The Final Fantasy XV side mission trailer looked visually stunning, but… Did they look honestly fun? Like sure a good point of the Resident Evil scare is based on atmosphere and Final Fantasy has for a long time now, been praised for its console pushing graphics. Are those things fun though? Are those things legitimately what gaming needs to move forward?

What sparked these questions was this.

One of the games announced was Batman Arkham VR. Do you know what was one of the most highly advertised 3D games during the original push for 3D on the PS3.

Batman Arkham Asylum.


A coincidence? Maybe, though companies do gave a history of not really learning.



The 3D enabled version Arkham recieved praise but not for its 3D. No it’s 3D was not heralded from mountain tops by the reviews and general consumers. Having 3D didn’t help the Arkham franchise become a staple of gaming history. 3D was added as a selling point that might have intrigued some but likely didn’t captivate many.

The new Resident Evil will be fully playable with the VR headset from start to finish. I am sure it will actually be a unique experience, but not one I personally doubt that people who play with using just their tv screens won’t be able to fully share in.

So maybe don’t expect VR to be around long?

About Tai

Editor-in-Chief of the Tides. He has contributed articles and helped write for sites across the wide expanse of the internet. Comic book craving, video game playing, Star Wars fanboy at your service. Mention all forms of geekdom and you will have a friend in him.

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