and away we go…

Year round schooling hasn’t begun in my area.   So most of my young pals are beginning their new school year this week.school_bus

I remember how I always felt on the first day of school.     Manoman, what a roller coaster of emotions:

excitement about being in THAT next grade;

uncertainty about which of my new outfits to wear;

fear about whether or not I’d fit in;

curiosity about which teachers I’d like best;

eager to find out how THIS year would be different;

and trepidation about the UnKnown.

What do you remember about your First Days?  And what’s our adult equivalent of The First Day of School?

7 thoughts on “and away we go…

  1. Do I have a sharp pencil? Will I like my teacher. WILL WE HAVE HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY!!!!

  2. Even with starting graduate school today, I experienced the SAME emotional roller coaster. Especially the wondering about the “unknown.” At least for me, while I’m nervous about the course load, I’m excited about the opportunity I’ve been given and the cool professors that will be instructing me.

  3. Neill, ooooooooooo i forgot about that whole pencil thing. and homework ~ little did we know, eh? thanks!

    June, hope today’s roller coaster ride was all you wanted and MORE. congrats & thanks!

  4. Even though I havne’t been a student for years…and I’ve been out of the classroom for nine years….I still feel the excitement of new opportunities, smiling faces, the smell of freshly oiled floors…and the smell of crayola crayons….the best!!! I have to admit, I went to Wal-Mart over the weekend just to walk down the aisles of school supplies…love ’em!!! I hope all kids have a great first day…and create a memory to remember for years to come.

  5. Amen for the love of school supplies! I used to find a quiet joy as I organized everything for the coming school year: dividers and paper snapped into 3-ring binders, labeling everything in sight, pencils and pens lined up. Maybe it was a sort of therapy for my anxious, excited little self. And it marked the transition from the loose, sweeping hours of summer to the structure of school. Ah . . . a ritual! Thanks for the reminder, Lisa!

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