Leo, you’re too much!

Yes, I am exploring astrology a little bit these days. But that is not the Leo to which I am referring.

I am talking about the Renaissance artist, Leonardo Da Vinci. He had a quote about learning that I used for work today.

And with that, I browsed through some info about his life.

I learned that he wrote backwards so you’d have to view his journals by looking at the reflection. The theory is that he was trying not to smudge the ink as he wrote with his left hand. Writing in reverse solved that problem.

I don’t know about you, but I can recite the alphabet backwards, but barely. Can you imagine writing backwards?

I learned that his greatest life’s work was not the Mona Lisa, but rather a statue that was destroyed, after he spent 17 years working on it! Can you imagine?

I also learned that he became skilled at drawing anatomy because he used to study cadavers. I’m not posting any of those pics. But feel free to look it up if you’ve just gotta see it.

So interesting, isn’t it?

If you’re a leftie, what tricks have you implemented for yourself?

Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

Have you seen the Mona Lisa?

Thanks for reading, until tomorrow,


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