EP17- Man of Steel 2

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What did you think of Batman v. Superman? If you’re like 50% of the moviegoers out there, you thought Zack Snyder delivered a sloppy, cluttered mess of a film or maybe you cut it some slack for being the most ambitious super hero movie yet.

Either way, the truth is that we didn’t get a proper sequel to the Henry Cavill Man of Steel franchise and given the ending of the film, it may be a while before that ever happens.

But fear not, SequelQuest is here to save the day! That’s right, we’re strapping on our capes and putting a single curl in our hair to pitch some out of this world ideas for a Man of Steel sequel.

What’s next for Clark Kent and Lois Lane? What world threatening menace with the Last Son of Krypton save us from this time? Should there be any cameos from other DC Expanded Universe characters? You’ll have to listen to find out.

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