The Chipotle Incident

August 30, 2010 at 4:16 pm 4 comments

Today was a big day, to say the least. We had park day for incoming first graders, which was awesome. I met Isaac’s new teacher, Mrs. J, and the other two first grade teachers (Mr. M and Miss A.) I promised Isaac a possible (if they were open) stop at the Chipotle on the way to see Wacky Neuro if he could follow directions and keep it together.

I’m so not above bribery.

So, we left park day and began the drive over to Wacky Neuro’s office and made a turn into where the new Chipotle is. I saw the sign that said “grand opening 8/31, but I saw people going in and out. Hrm. Open, or not?

Then, I saw people coming out with bags…presumably filled with burrit0-y goodness.

So, I took Isaac and brought him in, or started to. It was then that we were informed that the store didn’t open until tomorrow. You had to have the proper family and friends invite to go in today. I told Isaac that we would go back tomorrow…but he broke into tears.

That’s when the manager went above and beyond. He signaled to the door people to let us in, and warned us that it was a training day and to go gently. Then, he told us our money was no good today. What? really?

I’m always gentle! Especially to people making my food!

So, Isaac got a chicken burrito (with the works) and I got my usual steak and black bean burrito with half of the works. Toss on drinks and chips and it was LUNCH!

Even for a training day, this crew was sharp, well oiled and wonderful. I can’t say enough about how awesome this was today. They didn’t have to let us in. We saw them turn away other people without the required invites.

Thank you to Chipotle for making our afternoon, and having the compassion and family sense that is sorely lacking in a lot of businesses today.

We’ll be back in the next week or so for more. You can count on it.

Entry filed under: customer service, shrimper, sunny days, wow.

Getting ready Schwanky, Schwanky

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. TheAngelForever  |  August 30, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    Love hearing when places do something nice for kids, families and people in general. Hey, can you take me to Chipotle one of these days. I have never been yet.

  • 2. Renee Garcia  |  August 31, 2010 at 1:16 am

    WOW so nice of them!!! Makes me want to go eat there! 🙂

  • 3. april yedinak  |  August 31, 2010 at 7:26 am

    It is so nice to hear about a place that takes care of their customers. I will have to get to a Chipotle’s and try them out. I love mexican food.

  • 4. Jen  |  August 31, 2010 at 9:25 am

    That’s really awesome of the manager! Might want to forward this post to the corporate office.

    We see the neuro every 3 months and thankfully Austin is so used to it now that I no longer have to bribe. Sad, isn’t it?


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