12th February 2008

Nameless and in exile

posted in travel |

Let us join together in protest, for a wrong has been done to one of our neighbours. Somewhere, tonight, an innocent lobster named Goliath must prepare to be de-named. A return to the anonymity of “just another bug in the water”.

Imagine having lived for fifteen years on the seafloor, evading capture over and over again. Or maybe not; there’s still a school of thought that claims the “cage” or “trap” label is a mistake. Anyhow, after all those long winters, after progressing from an egg to larva to itty-bitty to that final “king of the rockpile” status, Goliath got on the elevator to another world and became for a brief time, a celebrity.

Celebrated enough to end up as a prize at a SuperBowl party in a bar in Taunton, MA. (Catchy address – mocking Mama), Goliath prepared for his new life. Winnings in a lottery. He could have graced a table. Instead, his new partner decided to “take him for a ride in her car” and donate him to an aquarium.

Now, Goliath is big. Enough of a decapod that the New England Aquarium decided he needed an enviroment where he would really catch the visitor’s eye. As a result, Goliath will be heading north to the Biodome in Montreal,in the next few weeks. Best that he wait, as a trip outside right now would guarantee coldpack status (preferred method for crustaceans to cross borders). Give him a few months to acclimatize and learn some French (Oh Homard!) and our family might just pay him a visit. After all, I’ve seen thousands of little lobsters; might as well go for a big ‘un. Unfortunately, he will be nameless, as the Biodome doesn’t go in for celebrities. Thankfully, he probably won’t remember.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 12th, 2008 at 22:31 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 290 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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