5th February 2006

Dancing dinos

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We’re half way through Superbowl XL, the half-time show is over, and I’m speechless. The Rolling Stones. It’s like watching a bad car wreck; I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. These guys have been performing, like that, for more than forty years without a break of any substance, although their career has certainly involved “substance”, abuse or otherwise.

Mick did not stop moving. Is he able to?

The question “Who do I think will win the Superbowl?” has a convoluted answer. I don’t follow American football. In the Charlottetown Guardian, Mike Lyriotokis has the opinion that the Pittsburgh Steelers will carry the day over the Seattle Seahawks. I know and fear the Toke; I also will side with the Steelers.

As a closing note, the Steelers have won the game, mainly due to a neat touchdown pass thrown by a wide receiver…

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