10th December 2019

Coldly brewed

posted in food, Wx |

Less than two weeks until the solstice. Getting up at an early hour (yes, seven in the morning qualifies) I can only take note that it is very dark outside. By suppertime (yes, five in the evening also qualifies) I can also take note that it is very dark outside. Do you see a pattern here? Assuming that you have access to artificial lighting, of course. The day doesn’t last long enough. Fast forward, please.

Of course, this is the approach to “midwinter”, even with the thermometer pegged at 12C. I could have gone to the city in shorts (I saw others) but I’m trying to avoid the tag of “Boomer”. Besides, we  could get hit by a sudden blizzard, so preparation is primal.

This afternoon, we made a quick city run. A chance to get more gas (CO2, not hydrocarbons), a refill of our dog biscuit stocks, have a prepared meal: Pita Pit, you do fill the spot! And with that drive home in the dark, we can watch for wildlife. I know, not the best way to spot foxes, but they do tend to come out at night.

And now we’re home, comfortable. That’s what really counts.

From what I can see, the next kitchen adventure is going to involve cold brew coffee. We (OK, not me) won a bid for a special Tupperware carafe, and decided to get a bag of cheap coffee beans. My good beans are already dedicated to a cause; this time around, we’ll ground and soak, hoping to discover the elixir of life in a non-boiled format. I tried cold brew only once before. I liked it then, so I should like it now.








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