13th November 2021

The wind blew, and then it didn’t

posted in Wx |

In the dark, we look for the worst. Last evening, as the sun went down, the wind arose. And it blew, all night long. Removed any possibility of getting any rest, as the worst was visualized. Would we lose shingles, or siding? Would the compost bin get agitated and dumped in the lane? What about monsters? In the morning, none of those things were realized. All was calm; bright, even. I did check the wind gauge, and it wasn’t a hurricane. The bridge was still in place, even if “high sided rigs” were parked in a sense of false security. It was just another moment in autumn.

After a week (it felt that long), the high level clmate summit is over. For those who want to get the tee, look for the COP26. I have no idea what the full term could be, but it did gather a lot of highly trained and paid politicians across the waters.

The take-away? Well, coal is still viable. Black, sooty, viable. And we’re unlikely to meet any real objectives on climate change, because coal. You figure it out; I can’t. I did see a claim that without coal, we can’t have steel. Partially true. And we do need steel. My children know about coal, because we forched them to visit a series of museums, back when such things seemed important.

If I could find a source for seeds, I could be rich. There’s a market for saffron. Someone in BC is about to eschew gold and go for yellow. Maybe I could do the same thing. Is a potato field the right place to cultivate those precious flowers? Is it a flower? I’d better get into some serious research; what my kids call “Google time”.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 13th, 2021 at 18:20 and is filed under Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 289 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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