2nd January 2016

Nobody old here, yet

posted in travel |

Soon be time to go to bed (says the clock). I’m not ready, yet. This was an “out of the house” evening for the gang, as we headed into the city for a sit-down meal with a group of old friends. Old being relative, of course. Even though the first contacts were made more than four decades ago, none of us are old. A little gray. A few physical reminders of where we’ve been and what we’ve seen. But, I insist, none of us are old. Check back in a year or two.

The dog wasn’t invited, exactly, so he held court in his favourite car. Based on the foggy windows, he either spent the evening chatting with anyone within range, or he ran serious laps in the back seat. I wasn’t watching. On the way home, he slept…

Back to my reality. One of those locksets I installed at the beginning of the summer has gone stiff and useless. Have to take the whole thing apart and see where the misalignment is happening. Much more the kind of job for a bright, summer day, but the alternative (finding a qualified locksmith on a weekend, to do what I can do myself given enough time) isn’t under consideration.

New tracks in the snow leave me wondering if we have a wandering dog in the neighbourhood, or something wilder. I wish I knew more about interpretation of animal tracks. I can guess that the animal is larger than our own dog, which limits the possibilities. For that one, I might call in an expert.


This entry was posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 at 23:25 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 260 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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