25th May 2018

Politics, near and far

posted in politics |

Following politics may seem like a fruitless pastime, particularly when the focus is on other countries. No vote allowed, etc. I try to keep up with my own nation, and the neighbour is always making a fuss about something, but the rest of the world? Eh.

Except that, recently, I’ve been expanding my world-view by reading Twitter. Based on my choices, I’ve been more aware of life in Ireland. Today they held a national referendum on reproductive rights. Perhaps you’ve heard about the campaign to #repealthe8th or if not, it’s never too late to learn. The polls closed a couple of hours ago, and although the counts are not yet “official”, it looks like a landslide for change. Bravo to all that took the time to consider the question, weigh the two sides of the argument and then mark their X. If only we could have such clear policy, here on the Island, where the campaign to implement Proportional Representation is thwarted by the heavy hand of the party in power.

I went back to my effort to rake some dead grass this afternoon. The handle on the rake broke, just as I was getting into the job, and now I’m back waiting for the chance to get a replacement at the local hardware store. Next week? Maybe. I’m sure the dead grass won’t have spontaneously come back to life. As well, it is now time to get gas for the Big Green Machine, and allow she who drives in circles to, well, drive in circles. Another sign of the passage of the seasons around here.


This entry was posted on Friday, May 25th, 2018 at 21:10 and is filed under politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 264 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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