*{Two versions of this article have been downloaded below. Listed first is the revised-shorter, followed by initial longer option. When your 18 year old son likes your work it just seems right to add it. Right? 😚❤👑 So, we’ve added the full article for those who have a few more minutes to read. First, the shorter. }

For a writer, this may be strange to add here. It seems that reading some of these writings through speaking them will bring further clarity to the writings. I’m not sure why yet, but have two thoughts which keep coming to me.

1. There is an impartation/stregnthening which will come to you as you read this out loud.

2. The scripture came to mind, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your SIGHT, O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer.”

In fact Psalms 19 would be great to read before going into this writing…. 

Beautiful friends, enjoy!!!

Seamless Divide

He has not placed a brass or glass ceiling between Himself and us. No, He has not. That is not in His creation’s design. Instead, He ripped the honorable and defining veil between heaven and earth’s realities, making available to us every good and perfect thing. This accomplished, even as He the sustainer of life was ripped open on the cross; hanging between heaven and earth. He the Door, torn open for all to enter into the heavens of God. Heaven and earth now in a holy exchange.

Heaven and Earth: The reflection and the reflected.

Heaven and its furnishings, atmospheres, quality and levels of light and life, beings, land, fruit, saints, and above all its God-head is a realm immeasurable in splendor. It is our future home, and present day source of life.

Earth and its furnishings, atmospheres, quality and levels of light and life, beings, land, fruit, saints, and above all its God-head is a realm immeasurable and yet to be seen in all of its splendor. It is our present day home which came with the invitation for us to have dominion, bringing her back to the fullness of all she was intended to be.

Both – so different, so much the same. The lower intended to mirror the higher.

The breakthrough work of prayer, into the earth

What started this writing today?

You can imagine the most beautiful blue; dark in tone and brilliant blue in richness, right? This, to me today, is the colors of His attendance surrounding and within the earth and each of our homes. He is so near! Heaven’s goodness is available to all those who call on the name of the Lord. Heaven’s goodness is being poured down and will be received by those who say, “yes,” to such an extravagant gift from Father God.

This “blue” was He in attendance. If I can say it that way for a moment. I could see our prayers being heard and penetrating “the Substance of the Spirit” of our Provider. Jehovah Jireh? Yes, I think so. Each prayer was rising and landing in a “region” within Him, which carried the response and provision for that specified prayer. In turn the response and provision was released to earth from that portion of Himself.

Yes, when we pray there is not a glass nor brass ceiling. He is right there. Lift up your eyes recognizing the nearness of His presence- His reality. All that is Him is with us – right here.

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

We know that all the answers and provision needed to bring fullness to what we have been given is within Christ. It is our place of dominion to seek, ask, and knock; receiving our portion of heaven. For heaven’s ingredient is waiting to take its place on earth.

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form; and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;” Col. 3: 9-10

The supply necessary for the building of heaven on earth, and God in us, is available from within our God. For it is He who has revealed the secret which declares, “…in HIM we have been made complete.”

When we pray our prayers go into Him; touching His heart, right where the answer awaits to be sent. He adores and is excited to be asked and to release heaven to earth for us. There is no brass or glass from God towards humankind.

Simple faith releases the building materials just in time to fulfill earth’s assignments. There truly is no glass nor brass between heaven and earth, but a living God inviting us into the richness of heaven’s realms and His realities.

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34

Cheers to you as you look to ‘see’ Him; asking in faith, knowing that His intentional reaction and response is filled with joyful anticipation. Jesus, Thank You!!!


As always, thank you for adding this reading into your calender…Your time and thoughts are valuable. Thank you for momentarily coming into my world.

much love,


ps. My son liked the full article before I cut it in half. The longer version is below, for those who have a few more minutes to read …

Seamless Divide

He has not placed a brass or glass ceiling between Himself and us. No, He has not. That is not in His creation’s design. Instead, He ripped the honorable and defining veil between heaven and earth’s realities, making available to us every good and perfect thing. This accomplished even as He the sustainer of life was ripped open on the cross; hanging between heaven and earth. He the Door, torn open for all to enter into the heavens of God. Heaven and earth now in a holy exchange.

Heaven and its furnishings, atmospheres, quality and levels of light and life, beings, land, fruit, saints, and above all its God-head is a realm immeasurable in splendor. It is our future home, and present day source of life.

Earth and its furnishings, atmospheres, quality and levels of light and life, beings, land, fruit, saints, and above all its God-head is a realm immeasurable and yet to be seen in all of its splendor. It is our present day home which came with the invitation for us to have dominion, bringing her back to the fullness of all she was intended to be.

Both – so different so much the same. The lower intended to mirror the higher.

A Temporary Protective Vice, penetrable through the motive of the heart

The veil was once there as our protection. For entrance into the holiest place without the blood cleansing power would have been to our demise. What would humankind have created if the powers of heaven were accessible; apart from the family forum and Christ’s blood upon the mercy seat of heaven?

The answer to that is clear and found through the Old Testament scriptures. We would have created either through adoration and faithfulness to God (ie. Abel and his sacrifice) or intentionally or unbeknownst to us, “hell on earth.” We would have by faith and fun built with what was given to us as worship, or destroyed the loving intentions of God’s blueprints and DNA manifested within our own bodies, and that of the earth and it’s creatures. We would have created to honor God or into our dissolution, and often we did.

The perfect example of this is Genesis 6, where the sons of God came down to the daughters of man. The powers of heaven living within the sons of God, illegally in relation with the daughters of earth, created beings un-welcomed, unintended, and an abomination to God and His image in us, and to the well-being of humanity. Yes, the humanity known as God’s family – His people – the love of His life – His likeness. Heaven’s ingredients mixing with earth illegally, unholy, in an abominable way brought destruction to the earth. What was created outside of the blood of Jesus and His sustaining force was dark and void – illegal.

God loved the earth, and had no intention to destroy the earth; however, in no way would He allow humankind to continue down this road to further depravity – creating a world unrecognizable upon the architects table.

God is in the midst of us, His righteous ones will not be moved.

It is by Him and through Him that all things consist and are sustained.

He is all around us. We are in HIm.

Through the flood He grieved, destroying all that He loved along with all that was evil. Humankind, with dominion powers in hand created that which was illegal and destructive to the His family. He began again with a righteous seed known as Noah, his wife and sons.

Another example of creativity gone astray is found in Genesis 11. This history narrative speaks of the powerful gift God released into the earth. He gave all of humankind the same language. Language, an extra-ordinary unifying force. Such a gift has potential of creating endeavors with the option to either give God or ourselves a name. The people of the region chose to create a tower and city to bring to themselves a memorial, fame, glory, and a name defined. Again, heaven’s ingredients used apart from the grace and blood of Christ brought demise to a people unified through a God-given gift. A matter of the heart.

The intended place for the workings and creativity of God is within the realms of His presence. Individuals and groups of people alike experience the magnitude of His attendance. Working and creating within His reality breeds unimaginable and immeasurable delights of heaven’s skill producing beauty into the earth- awesome discoveries and inventions.

He spoke clearly to the Father of His family and said,

“I will bless you and make you great. He said to His people, “ The Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.” Deuteronomy 16:15

God said to Abraham, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. An in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3

Deuteronomy 15:10’s instruction is clear, offerings are one of those actions which releases the blessings of heaven to us. Enabling us to work with heaven on earth with success.

“You shall surely give to him, and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your works and in all to which you put your hand.”

It is by working WITH God that the work of those in the days prior to the blood of Christ spilled, was blessed. Such a beautiful place of worship. Again, it was an issue of the heart. 

Anyway, back to the beautiful blue of He who is in me and you.

The breakthrough work of prayer, into the earth

This blue was He in attendance. If I can say it that way for a moment. I could see our prayers going into this substance Spirit of our Provider. Each prayer was rising and landing in a “region” within Him, which carried the response and provision for that specified prayer. In turn the response and provision was released to earth from that portion of Himself.

Yes, when we pray there is not a glass nor brass ceiling. He is right there. Lift up your eyes and recognize the nearness of His presence. His reality. All that is Him is right there.

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

All the answers that are needed to bring fullness to what we have been given, earth bound, is within Christ. It is our place of dominion to seek, ask, and knock; receiving the ingredient of heaven. For heaven’s ingredient is waiting for it’s release to take its place on earth.

For God has said through Paul, again in Colossians,

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form; and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;” Col. 3:9-10

The supply necessary for the building of heaven on earth, in every circumstance is available from within our God. For it is He who has revealed the secret which declares, “…in HIM we have been made complete.”

When we pray our prayers go into Him. Touching Him within the realms of the answer that we are in need of. He adores and is excited to be asked and to release heaven to earth for us.

There is no brass or glass between heaven and earth, simple faith releases the building materials just in time to fulfill earth’s assignments on earth, equally to be made manifest within the heaven’s.

Expression’s of the name of God among God and man, the creatures of the sea and land, among the skies and in the heavens and storehouses of wind, water, snow, and hail; we have been given the creative rights to build releasing Glory to The Name of the Lord in full honors to the One Who Is.


As always, thank you for adding this reading into your calender…Your time and thoughts are valuable. Thank you for momentarily coming into my world.

much love,


photo by @geralt -Gerd Altmann

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